Booting from u-boot

Matt Sealey matt at
Thu Jun 1 06:56:51 PDT 2006

> >openfirmware code. In other words, implement the 'openfirmware' 
> >function in the kernel itself and use it.
>  That is an interesting approach, though you may end up doing 
> just as much work in writing the emulation code as if you 
> removed the dependency on openfirmware in the kernel.
> >Has anyone done this before?
>  Not to my knowledge.

This kind of approach is used by Sun in their SPARC Solaris ports, as the
"OpenBootPROM" implementation never got past a certain stage, instead they
have enough to find the disks, ethernet, load a filesystem, and then the
boot loader layers on top a more "compatible" OpenFirmware representation
which presents to the real OS.

The OF on Apple is a little better/more complete and of course the Genesi
OpenFirmware kicks it's ass even more :3

Matt Sealey <matt at>
Manager, Genesi, Developer Relations

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