Booting from u-boot

Peter Grehan grehan at
Thu Jun 1 04:52:54 PDT 2006

>I want to get the kernel to boot from u-boot. U-boot
>passes device tree information in a format derived from
>the openfirmware specifications. The format is available
>I was thinking of writing an openfirmware emulator code
>that will map the information given by u-boot to the format
>expected by the freebsd openfirmware code. In other words,
>implement the 'openfirmware' function in the kernel itself
>and use it.

 That is an interesting approach, though you may end up doing
just as much work in writing the emulation code as if you
removed the dependency on openfirmware in the kernel.

>Has anyone done this before?

 Not to my knowledge.



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