Updated install ISO
Peter Grehan
grehan at freebsd.org
Fri May 20 16:48:24 PDT 2005
Hi Andreas,
> Well, the handbook is a bit vague. I managed to boot via nfs after
> tweaking var and tmp in init.d. I told them that I have a ro /.
> Then they created a /dev/md* (ramdisk, right?)
> Ok, with this hack I was able boot, but I couldn't add a user nor was I
> able to create a master.passwd.
That's definitely a file-locking issue.
>> http://mail-index.netbsd.org/port-macppc/2002/08/05/0002.html
> Ah, Ben the man. Ok, where would such a sequence go?
> arch/powerpc/macppc? ? cpu_setup ?
It's sys/powerpc on FreeBSD, but the actions are split across the
/powerpc and /powermac directories. Very ugly :( Anyways, there's no
PMU support yet so it's moot for the time being.
> For example I tried to build a kernel. Seems very unstable, I often got
> a sig 11 and retrying solved it until the next error.
> Also, a buildworld was non predictable in behavior.
How much RAM and swap do you have ? It might be worth running 'top' in
another login window to see what's going on.
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