Updated install ISO

Andreas Tobler toa at pop.agri.ch
Fri May 20 14:43:03 PDT 2005

Hi Peter,

Peter Grehan wrote:

>  On a diskless system, there are some filesystems that should be made 
> out of ramdisks locally - /var is one of those. The handbook kinda 
> mentions it:
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/network-diskless.html 
>  Maybe what you need to do is to export the root filesystem as 
> read-only, and then have a r/w /usr filesystem - the scripts in 
> /etc/rc.d seem like they recognise that situation and create the 
> appropriate ramdisk /tmp and /var filesystems.

Well, the handbook is a bit vague. I managed to boot via nfs after 
tweaking var and tmp in init.d. I told them that I have a ro /.
Then they created a /dev/md* (ramdisk, right?)
Ok, with this hack I was able boot, but I couldn't add a user nor was I 
able to create a master.passwd.

>> Other issues I saw:
>> My AL book is a 1.5GHz book:
>> cpu0: Motorola PowerPC 7447A revision 1.1, 752.32 MHz
>> In the messages it reports the above. Half of the cpu clock.
>  I think what is happening here is that recent portables don't boot to 
> their full speed immediately to conserve power and reduce heat. They can 
> be shifted up to their full speed with a complicated programming sequence:
>  http://mail-index.netbsd.org/port-macppc/2002/08/05/0002.html

Ah, Ben the man. Ok, where would such a sequence go? 
arch/powerpc/macppc? ? cpu_setup ?

>> Also, instead of mounting via nfs I tried to install onto a fw drive:
>> firewire0: New S400 device ID:0001a30000054263
>> kernel: da0 at sbp0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
>> kernel: da0: <Genesys  > Fixed Direct Access SCSI-0 device
>> da0: 50.000MB/s transfers
>> kernel: da0: 57231MB (117210240 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 7296C)
>> Here it complains that it cannot mount da0s3, permission denied. Is 
>> this not yet supported?
>  Should be - the install ISO was built on an external firewire drive. 
> Can you do a 'sysctl -b kern.geom.conftxt' to see the partitions ?
>  I will admit, I've only ever used an Apple-partition-map formatted 
> drive, so if this is MBR, that could be an issue.

Second attempt. I reformatted the fw drive with 2 partitions swap and /
Worked after the 17th try :)

>> Ok, last q, just for the curious, what was the issue of having the nfs 
>> only ro?
>  See rev 1.175 and 1.176 of nfs/nfs_vfsops.c:
> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/src/sys/nfsclient/nfs_vfsops.c



Now I have to go learning fbsd.

For example I tried to build a kernel. Seems very unstable, I often got 
a sig 11 and retrying solved it until the next error.
Also, a buildworld was non predictable in behavior.

Thanks so far.

I will continue to try.


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