How To install freeBSD PPC

David S. Besade webmaster at
Sat Mar 6 11:03:13 PST 2004

on 3/6/04 7:12 AM, Peter Larkowski at peter at wrote:

> On Fri, 5 Mar 2004, David S. Besade wrote:
>> on 3/5/04 11:12 PM, Sean Welch at Sean_Welch at wrote:
>>> A word of caution -- you are attempting to follow
>>> directions for setting up a server which are intended
>>> for configuring a FreeBSD server.  You have done this
>>> under OS X instead.  I do not know if the FreeBSD
>>> loader is capable of reading an NFS export hfs+
>>> formated volume.  Also, my understanding is that the
>>> Apple version of UFS is incompatible with the FreeBSD
>>> (much more standardized) version.  In other words, it
>>> may not be possible to netboot FreeBSD from a Mac at
>>> this time.
>>> Anyone with more knowledge please chime in --
>>> regardless I'd be interested in the outcome if you
>>> would like to give it a try anyway, David.
>>> Sean
>> Sean:
>> Open Firmware can't understand UFS, that¹s why the loader needs to be on an
>> HFS+ partition, it was my understanding you could do this from a Mac?
> Dave:
> The loader has to be on an HFS(+) partition when booting locally.  Sean is
> saying it might not be possible to use OSX as a server for netboot.  The
> only issue osx poses (that I can think of anyway) is HFS+'s case
> insensitivity, but I would think getting the machine booted would be
> doable.  I always thought that was the point of nfs.... :)
> You seem to be having dhcp server issues at this point.  Does the imac you
> are trying to netboot run macos of any type or linux or something?  Can
> that OS get an ip from the G4 dhcp server?
> -p
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I changed things up a little last night, basically I made the DHCP server
machine unspecific and yes the iMac gets an IP from it now. I changed the
Open Firmware command to this:"boot enet:," it gives me
the client/server deal and then says can't fine and can't open loader.

So I think the root of my issue is the tftp server doesn't seem to be
working. I need some help with that because once that is working it should
boot, and I will be able to access it from NFS.


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