How To install freeBSD PPC

Peter Larkowski peter at
Sat Mar 6 06:12:05 PST 2004

On Fri, 5 Mar 2004, David S. Besade wrote:

> on 3/5/04 11:12 PM, Sean Welch at Sean_Welch at wrote:
> > A word of caution -- you are attempting to follow
> > directions for setting up a server which are intended
> > for configuring a FreeBSD server.  You have done this
> > under OS X instead.  I do not know if the FreeBSD
> > loader is capable of reading an NFS export hfs+
> > formated volume.  Also, my understanding is that the
> > Apple version of UFS is incompatible with the FreeBSD
> > (much more standardized) version.  In other words, it
> > may not be possible to netboot FreeBSD from a Mac at
> > this time.
> >
> > Anyone with more knowledge please chime in --
> > regardless I'd be interested in the outcome if you
> > would like to give it a try anyway, David.
> >
> > Sean
> >
> Sean:
> Open Firmware can't understand UFS, that=B9s why the loader needs to be o=
n an
> HFS+ partition, it was my understanding you could do this from a Mac?


The loader has to be on an HFS(+) partition when booting locally.  Sean is
saying it might not be possible to use OSX as a server for netboot.  The
only issue osx poses (that I can think of anyway) is HFS+'s case
insensitivity, but I would think getting the machine booted would be
doable.  I always thought that was the point of nfs.... :)

You seem to be having dhcp server issues at this point.  Does the imac you
are trying to netboot run macos of any type or linux or something?  Can
that OS get an ip from the G4 dhcp server?


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