qt3 -> qt4 question

RW rwmaillists at googlemail.com
Mon May 13 14:22:55 UTC 2013

On Mon, 13 May 2013 08:42:29 -0400
Robert Huff wrote:

> 	1) I have x11-toolkits/qt-copy (part of qt33) installed, and
> at least a dozen ports that depend on it.

IIRC qt-copy is an alternate version of qt33 with some extra patches 

> 	2) Attempts to upgrade devel/qt4-corelibs fail on complaints
> the two conflict.
> 	3) I cannot find a "qt4-copy", and there is no mention of this
> in UPDATING going back three years.
> 	4) What is the correct successor for qt-copy?  Is that
> functionality been included elsewhere in qt4?
> 	5) Is there a way to determine which (if any) of the dependent
> ports will have issues with the conversion?  Right now the choice
> seems to be between a) inspecting the Makefiles (my make-fu is at
> the slapstick comedy level) and b) just doing and hoping nothing
> breaks.

I'm not really sure what you are trying to do, but you can't simply
replace qt33 with qt4, there may be some exceptions, but generally
things depend on one or the other. 

AFAIK qt4 and qt33 only conflict through their build dependencies so it
is still possible to mix the two, it's just a bit awkward. A relatively
straightforward way to update would be to do it in two parts using 
ports-mgmt/pkg_cutleaves to remove all build dependencies before each

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