qt3 -> qt4 question

Robert Huff roberthuff at rcn.com
Mon May 13 12:42:32 UTC 2013

	1) I have x11-toolkits/qt-copy (part of qt33) installed, and
at least a dozen ports that depend on it.
	2) Attempts to upgrade devel/qt4-corelibs fail on complaints
the two conflict.
	3) I cannot find a "qt4-copy", and there is no mention of this
in UPDATING going back three years.
	4) What is the correct successor for qt-copy?  Is that
functionality been included elsewhere in qt4?
	5) Is there a way to determine which (if any) of the dependent
ports will have issues with the conversion?  Right now the choice
seems to be between a) inspecting the Makefiles (my make-fu is at
the slapstick comedy level) and b) just doing and hoping nothing

				Robert Huff

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