October 2007 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Oct 1 02:41:08 PDT 2007
Ending: Wed Oct 31 21:09:17 PDT 2007
Messages: 629
- PORT: /ports/textproc/iksemel (NOT AVAILABLE MASTER_SITE)
Andrés Montalbán
- Project ideas page: UPDATING parser and displayer
Beat Gätzi
- Project ideas page: UPDATING parser and displayer
Beat Gätzi
- Project ideas page: UPDATING parser and displayer
Beat Gätzi
- Project ideas page: UPDATING parser and displayer
Beat Gätzi
- FreeBSD Port: rhythmbox-0.10.1_3
Roberth Sjonøy
- Project ideas page: UPDATING parser and displayer
Beat Gätzi
- devel/pear-1.6.2
Václav Haisman
- devel/pear-1.6.2
Václav Haisman
- devel/pear-1.6.2
Václav Haisman
- FreeBSD Port: proftpd-1.3.1.r3_5
- FreeBSD Port: quagga-0.99.9
Daniel Dvořák
- A problem with pidgin installation
Dan A.
- ports/114050: Error compiling OpenOffice-2.3
Szilveszter Adam
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Rainer Alves
- graphviz: stuck with "Undefined symbol" problem
Henrik Brix Andersen
- bin/11420 [nanobsd] Build failure on RELENG_6
Henrik Brix Andersen
- bin/11420 [nanobsd] Build failure on RELENG_6
Henrik Brix Andersen
- FreeBSD Port: courier-imap-4.2.0 ssl failure on port 993
Mike Andrews
- mysql51-server won't start after upgrade
Mike Andrews
- imap-uw-2006j_2,1, cclient-2006g_1,1 PAM problems?
Manfred Antar
- FreeBSD Port: conky-1.4.7
Antonio Arredondo
- Bacula wx-console's wx version
- Feature enhancement for audio/ncmpc
Christian Axelsson
- cups-1.3.3 not compiling anymore in FreeBSD 7.0
Doug Barton
- A problem with pidgin installation
Doug Barton
- autoconf removal / Build error: KDE requires autoconf 2.53 or
newer (kmastermind)
Doug Barton
- Postfix Port - Extra 'fi'
Doug Barton
- Has portmaster gone insane?
Doug Barton
- NTFS-3G mount during boot
Doug Barton
- Has portmaster gone insane?
Doug Barton
- portmaster 1.21 - "cannot create" messages
Doug Barton
- portmaster 1.21 - "cannot create" messages
Doug Barton
- my previous email
Doug Barton
- Major changes since 6.2?
Doug Barton
- ImageMagick test results
Doug Barton
- Appropriate way of submitting multiple related ports at once?
Doug Barton
- Xfce4 after GNOME update
Doug Barton
- avahi and avahi-autoipd
Doug Barton
- 'make -DNO_DEPENDS install' causing error
Doug Barton
- 'make -DNO_DEPENDS install' causing error
Doug Barton
- Heads Up: portmaster users
Doug Barton
- Deinstalling KDE.
Doug Barton
- 'make -DNO_DEPENDS install' causing error
Doug Barton
- Heads Up: portmaster users
Doug Barton
- 'make -DNO_DEPENDS install' causing error
Doug Barton
- I don't understand this
Peter Beckman
- php-magickwand trouble
Andrey A. Belashkov
- Which "linux emulation" works with which programs or the
Kostik Belousov
- trouble building perlmagick
Anton Berezin
- Portupgrade kerberos
Joachim Bethke
- Portupgrade kerberos (Joachim Bethke) -solved
Joachim Bethke
- Xfce4 after GNOME update
Warren Block
- Xfce4 after GNOME update
Warren Block
- Check my work: notification-daemon-xfce
Warren Block
- Check my work: notification-daemon-xfce
Warren Block
- Xfce goodies master sites
Warren Block
- bsd.sites.mk changes (was Re: Xfce goodies master sites)
Warren Block
- FreeBSD Port: conky-1.4.7
Roman Bogorodskiy
- FreeBSD Port: pecl-svn-0.2
Ruud Boon
- FreeBSD Port: nessus-2.2.9_1
Ruud Boon
- php-magickwand broken with ImageMagick
Mike Bowie
- imagemagick
- OpenEXR linking error
David J Brooks
- OpenEXR linking error
David J Brooks
- FreeBSD Port: courier-imap-4.2.0
Edward Buck
- FreeBSD Port: courier-imap-4.2.0 ssl failure on port 993
Edward Buck
- FreeBSD Port: courier-authlib-vchkpw-0.59.3
Edward Buck
- make errors in net-snmp-5.3.1
Randy Bush
- NTFS-3G mount during boot
Craig Butler
- beryl missing windows decorations
Craig Butler
- ports DESTDIR not finding dependent ports
Erik Cederstrand
- ports/117488
Pietro Cerutti
- sysutils/screen -- INFO issue
Pietro Cerutti
- sysutils/screen -- INFO issue
Pietro Cerutti
- new port: linux netscape navigator
Pietro Cerutti
- new port: linux netscape navigator
Pietro Cerutti
- Heads Up: portmaster users
Pietro Cerutti
- port test error
Pietro Cerutti
- editors/vim -- long fetch times
Jeremy Chadwick
- Help2man configure fails .
Jeremy Chadwick
- ports/117488
Jeremy Chadwick
- quick fix for graphics/libpng
Andrey Chernov
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20 is being merged
Joe Marcus Clarke
- HEADS DOWN: GNOME 2.20.1 has been merged
Joe Marcus Clarke
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Joe Marcus Clarke
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Joe Marcus Clarke
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Joe Marcus Clarke
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Joe Marcus Clarke
- Asterisk-App-Notify 1.0
Steve Clement
- Which "linux emulation" works with which programs or the
Tim Clewlow
- Problem with openssh-portable and HPN option
Olivier Cochard-Labbe
- Undefined symbol "_ZNSs20_S_empty_rep_storageE" with
Olivier Cochard-Labbe
- [ A D V ] Cisco Specials...
- sunbird marked as broken with gcc4.2
Garrett Cooper
- Idea: static builds
Garrett Cooper
- Issues with patching ports
Garrett Cooper
- Idea: static builds
Garrett Cooper
- x11/ati-driver
Garrett Cooper
- Idea: static builds
Garrett Cooper
- DATADIR question
Tijl Coosemans
- Problem with openssh-portable and HPN option
Brooks Davis
- gcc42 won't fetch
Brooks Davis
- imap-uw-2006j_2,1, cclient-2006g_1,1 PAM problems?
Matt Dawson
- imap-uw-2006j_2,1, cclient-2006g_1,1 PAM problems?
Matt Dawson
- imap-uw-2006j_2,1, cclient-2006g_1,1 PAM problems?
Matt Dawson
- FreeBSD Port: png-1.2.22
L. Derksen
- imap-uw-2006j_2,1, cclient-2006g_1,1 PAM problems?
Lee Dilkie
- The scandalous status of linux-flashplugin9
Roman Divacky
- The scandalous status of linux-flashplugin9
Roman Divacky
- Which "linux emulation" works with which programs or the
Roman Divacky
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20 is being merged
Alexey Dokuchaev
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20 is being merged
Alexey Dokuchaev
- Proposition: make x11/nvidia-driver independent of misc/compat5x
Alexey Dokuchaev
- Problem with openssh-portable and HPN option
Alex Dupre
- PHP4 -> PHP5
Alex Dupre
- openoffice - drawing block arrows broken?
Alex Dupre
- ports/115432: Ports missing library dependencies
Nate Eldredge
- ports/115432: Ports missing library dependencies
Nate Eldredge
- question for both ports and current
Julian Elischer
- question for both ports and current
Julian Elischer
- qmail on 64bit architecture
Dan Epure
- bin/11420 [nanobsd] Build failure on RELENG_6
Ruslan Ermilov
- bin/11420 [nanobsd] Build failure on RELENG_6
Ruslan Ermilov
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Ted Faber
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Ted Faber
- Project ideas page: UPDATING parser and displayer
Rong-en Fan
- Versioning question for linux-ut port
Sean C. Farley
- [kde-freebsd] x11/kdelibs3 and new cups breakage
Andy Fawcett
- [kde-freebsd] x11/kdelibs3 and new cups breakage
Andy Fawcett
- Possibly unbuildable ports reminder
Bill Fenner
- Possibly unbuildable ports reminder
Bill Fenner
- linuxdoc command
Mark D. Foster
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Aryeh Friedman
- HPLIP 2.7.9 Updated Port Skeleton
Aryeh M. Friedman
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Aryeh M. Friedman
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Aryeh M. Friedman
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Aryeh M. Friedman
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Aryeh M. Friedman
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Aryeh M. Friedman
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Aryeh M. Friedman
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Aryeh M. Friedman
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Aryeh M. Friedman
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Aryeh M. Friedman
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Aryeh M. Friedman
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Aryeh M. Friedman
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Aryeh M. Friedman
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Aryeh M. Friedman
- FreeBSD Port: bind9-dlz+postgres-9.3.2+0.7.0
Dr. Aharon Friedman
- java/eclipse-emf 2.2.3 not fetchable
Andriy Gapon
- can not upgrade to math/gnuplot 4.2.2
Andriy Gapon
- avahi and avahi-autoipd
Andriy Gapon
- avahi and avahi-autoipd
Andriy Gapon
- print/fontforge: link failure on amd64
Andriy Gapon
- print/fontforge: link failure on amd64
Andriy Gapon
- print/fontforge: link failure on amd64
Andriy Gapon
- cups-base: lost http_t type?
Lowell Gilbert
- cups-base: lost http_t type?
Lowell Gilbert
- cups-base: lost http_t type?
Lowell Gilbert
- Deinstalling KDE.
Lowell Gilbert
- anyone working on an update of www/plone to 3.0.1?
Palle Girgensohn
- anyone working on an update of www/plone to 3.0.1?
Palle Girgensohn
- How-to maximize your profit from China
- My dear friend, Nike, Prada,
Nokia.Iphone are the leading brands of Gogoec
- cups-1.3.3 not compiling anymore in FreeBSD 7.0
Jeffrey Goldberg
- Problem building mod_perl
Philip M. Gollucci
- parallel ports build
Philip M. Gollucci
- krb5 1.6.3 build "ldl" error on 7.0-BETA1/i386
Philip M. Gollucci
- Problem with openssh-portable and HPN option
Marcus Alves Grando
- Change timezone on php
Marcus Alves Grando
- Hey, you have a new Greeting !!!
- Hey, you have a new Greeting !!!
- NOPORTDOCS and man/info pages
Chess Griffin
- NOPORTDOCS and man/info pages
Chess Griffin
- my previous email
Chess Griffin
- my previous email
Chess Griffin
- NOPORTDOCS and man/info pages
Chess Griffin
- Major changes since 6.2?
Chess Griffin
- Testing new port
Chess Griffin
- Check my work: notification-daemon-xfce
Chess Griffin
- Check my work: notification-daemon-xfce
Chess Griffin
- Has portsnap fallen asleep?
Edwin Groothuis
- imap-uw-2006j_2,1, cclient-2006g_1,1 PAM problems?
Edwin Groothuis
- imap-uw-2006j_2,1, cclient-2006g_1,1 PAM problems?
Edwin Groothuis
- imap-uw-2006j_2,1, cclient-2006g_1,1 PAM problems?
Edwin Groothuis
- ports/mail/postfix/pkg-install breakage
Edwin Groothuis
- Postfix Port - Extra 'fi'
Edwin Groothuis
- Kernel modules installed via the ports Makefile
Edwin Groothuis
- Appropriate way of submitting multiple related ports at once?
Edwin Groothuis
- Appropriate way of submitting multiple related ports at once?
Edwin Groothuis
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Byung-Hee HWANG
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Byung-Hee HWANG
- i beg of you
Byung-Hee HWANG
- i beg of you
Byung-Hee HWANG
- portsnap troubles?
Derkjan de Haan
- Can someone please take a look at stale PR=116637 (www/apache)?
Aliya Harbouri
- FreeBSD Port: qpopper-4.0.9_1
Doug Hardie
- cups-1.3.3 not compiling anymore in FreeBSD 7.0
O. Hartmann
- ports/114050: Error compiling OpenOffice-2.3
O. Hartmann
- OpenLDAP 2.3/pam_ldap/nss_ldap: not working in FreeBSD 7.0-PRE!
O. Hartmann
- OpenLDAP 2.3/pam_ldap/nss_ldap: not working in FreeBSD 7.0-PRE!
O. Hartmann
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
John E Hein
- The scandalous status of linux-flashplugin9
Oliver Herold
- Please test: mplayer 1.0 rc2
Oliver Herold
- Please test: mplayer 1.0 rc2
Oliver Herold
- Here we go again: mplayer 1.0 rc2, please test
Oliver Herold
- cups-base: lost http_t type?
Scot Hetzel
- sunbird marked as broken with gcc4.2
Scot Hetzel
- Has portmaster gone insane?
Scot Hetzel
- The scandalous status of linux-flashplugin9
Scot Hetzel
- FreeNX
Scot Hetzel
- Postfix Port - Extra 'fi'
D Hill
- ports/mail/postfix/pkg-install breakage
D Hill
- Postfix Port - Extra 'fi'
D Hill
- anyone working on an update of www/plone to 3.0.1?
NAKAJI Hiroyuki
- beryl missing windows decorations
Petr Holub
- beryl missing windows decorations
Petr Holub
- beryl missing windows decorations
Petr Holub
- make check on -CURRENT in lang/gnat-gcc41
Petr Holub
- lang/gdc on -CURRENT
Petr Holub
- lang/gdc on -CURRENT
Petr Holub
- security/heimdal problem on 7.0-PRERELEASE
Petr Holub
- security/heimdal problem on 7.0-PRERELEASE
Petr Holub
- cups-1.3.3 not compiling anymore in FreeBSD 7.0
Robert Huff
- OpenEXR linking error
Robert Huff
- graphics/OpenEXR fails
Robert Huff
- USB Keyboard LEDs are back
Rainer Hurling
- libXfont not installing properly
- new port: linux netscape navigator
Gary Jennejohn
- Idea: static builds
Peter Jeremy
- Weird problem with ports
Peter Jeremy
- Problems with xfs-1.0.5,1 port.
Jeffrey H. Johnson
- Problems with xfs-1.0.5,1 port.
Jeffrey H. Johnson
- Please test: mplayer 1.0 rc2
Michael Johnson
- avahi and avahi-autoipd
Michael Johnson
- GNOME 2.20.1 - missunderstanding with UPDATING
Michael Johnson
- Asterisk-App-Notify 1.0
Mayo Jordanov
- Missing libstdc++.so.6 for openoffice in stable
Brian Josefsen
- make errors in net-snmp-5.3.1
Sam Fourman Jr.
- graphics/OpenEXR fails
Sam Fourman Jr.
- The scandalous status of linux-flashplugin9
Sam Fourman Jr.
- Which "linux emulation" works with which programs or the
Sam Fourman Jr.
- FreeBSD Port: qpopper-4.0.9_1
Walter Ian Kaye
- Smarteiffel is marked broken but is not
Kris Kennaway
- Ports using gcc 4.2 under FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE
Kris Kennaway
- Smarteiffel is marked broken but is not
Kris Kennaway
- Smarteiffel is marked broken but is not (maybe!)
Kris Kennaway
- Major changes since 6.2?
Kris Kennaway
- apache startup fails
Vivek Khera
- apache startup fails
Vivek Khera
- commit PR 117326?
Vivek Khera
- Can someone please take a look at stale PR=116637 (www/apache)?
Vivek Khera
- xorg-7.3_1 build: dependence issue
Artem Kim
- gcc42 won't fetch
Jung-uk Kim
- Idea: static builds
Gary Kline
- Idea: static builds
Gary Kline
- Xorg initial resolution broken
Mark Knight
- Xorg initial resolution broken
Mark Knight
- Xorg initial resolution broken
Mark Knight
- php5 does not buid
Alexander Konovalenko
- php5 does not buid
Alexander Konovalenko
- php5 does not buid
Alexander Konovalenko
- Proposition: make x11/nvidia-driver independent of misc/compat5x
Alex Kozlov
- Proposition: make x11/nvidia-driver independent of misc/compat5x
Alex Kozlov
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Vladimir Kushnir
- I don't understand this
Miroslav Lachman
- Project ideas page: UPDATING parser and displayer
Miroslav Lachman
- Has portsnap fallen asleep?
Rene Ladan
- Has portsnap fallen asleep?
Rene Ladan
- Problems with xfs-1.0.5,1 port.
Rene Ladan
- apache startup fails
Clement Laforet
- [HEADSUP] problems with the autoconf upgrade
Max Laier
- beryl missing windows decorations
Max Laier
- xorg 7.3: xorgcfg is missing
Max Laier
- new imported libpcap has net/bpf.h handling issue
Max Laier
- new imported libpcap has net/bpf.h handling issue
Max Laier
- Smarteiffel is marked broken but is not
Patrick Lamaiziere
- Smarteiffel is marked broken but is not
Patrick Lamaiziere
- Smarteiffel is marked broken but is not (maybe!)
Patrick Lamaiziere
- Smarteiffel is marked broken but is not (maybe!)
Patrick Lamaiziere
- Project ideas page: UPDATING parser and displayer
Hans Lambermont
- ports/games/frozenbubble on FreeBSD 7
Stefan Lambrev
- sunbird - Mark as broken with gcc4.2.
Stefan Lambrev
- sunbird marked as broken with gcc4.2
Stefan Lambrev
- sunbird marked as broken with gcc4.2
Stefan Lambrev
- sunbird marked as broken with gcc4.2
Stefan Lambrev
- ruby-opengl >= 0.40.1
Dan Langille
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX now builds successfully on 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX now builds successfully on 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX now builds successfully on 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- FYI: INDEX file for 8-current is not yet available
Erwin Lansing
- FYI: INDEX file for 8-current is not yet available
Erwin Lansing
- portsnap troubles?
Erwin Lansing
- question for both ports and current
Erwin Lansing
- Ports freeze to start October 30
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX now builds successfully on 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX build failed for 8.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX build failed for 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX now builds successfully on 5.x
Erwin Lansing
- INDEX now builds successfully on 8.x
Erwin Lansing
- Ports tree is now frozen
Erwin Lansing
- Hi!... How to maintain a ports
Sam Lawrance
- struct wi_req: how to deal with removal, affects multiple ports
Sam Leffler
- FreeBSD Port: courier-authlib-vchkpw-0.59.3
Oliver Lehmann
- openoffice - drawing block arrows broken?
Oliver Lehmann
- ports/115432: Ports missing library dependencies
Alexander Leidinger
- The scandalous status of linux-flashplugin9
Alexander Leidinger
- The scandalous status of linux
Alexander Leidinger
- Porting pdfedit-0.3.1
Ying-Chieh Liao
- aqbanking update?
Mattias Lindgren
- [HEADSUP] problems with the autoconf upgrade
Mark Linimon
- [HEADSUP] portsmon default ports environment switched to i386-7
Mark Linimon
- [HEADSUP] last run of GNATS weekly reports was broken
Mark Linimon
- broken ports freebsd 7.0 amd64
Mark Linimon
- the coming cold ... I mean freeze
Mark Linimon
- the coming cold ... I mean freeze
Mark Linimon
- ports/mail/postfix/pkg-install breakage
Per olof Ljungmark
- The scandalous status of linux-flashplugin9
Juergen Lock
- The scandalous status of linux-flashplugin9
Juergen Lock
- The scandalous status of linux-flashplugin9
Juergen Lock
- the coming cold ... I mean freeze
Remko Lodder
- Port installation/upgrades issues
Ade Lovett
- x11/kdelibs3 and new cups breakage
Ade Lovett
- [kde-freebsd] x11/kdelibs3 and new cups breakage
Ade Lovett
- [kde-freebsd] x11/kdelibs3 and new cups breakage
Ade Lovett
- [kde-freebsd] x11/kdelibs3 and new cups breakage
Ade Lovett
- editors/vim -- long fetch times
Pav Lucistnik
- Please test: mplayer 1.0 rc2
Pav Lucistnik
- Please test: mplayer 1.0 rc2
Pav Lucistnik
- TreeList failed: Error in "/var/db/sup/ports-all/checkouts.cvs:
Pav Lucistnik
- Here we go again: mplayer 1.0 rc2, please test
Pav Lucistnik
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20 is being merged
Pav Lucistnik
- INDEX breakage
Pav Lucistnik
- INDEX breakage
Pav Lucistnik
- INDEX breakage
Pav Lucistnik
- INDEX breakage
Pav Lucistnik
- Error code 1 when upgrading ftp-proxy port
Christian Ludwig
- Idea: static builds
Dmitry Marakasov
- Idea: static builds
Dmitry Marakasov
- DATADIR question
Dmitry Marakasov
- DATADIR question
Dmitry Marakasov
- net/tightvnc, bsd.port.options,mk issues
Dmitry Marakasov
- Porting pdfedit-0.3.1
Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez
- portmaster 1.21 - "cannot create" messages
John Marshall
- portmaster 1.21 - "cannot create" messages
John Marshall
- krb5 1.6.3 build "ldl" error on 7.0-BETA1/i386
John Marshall
- krb5 1.6.3 build "ldl" error on 7.0-BETA1/i386
John Marshall
- krb5 1.6.3 build "ldl" error on 7.0-BETA1/i386
John Marshall
- portmaster 1.24 broken for default port upgrades
John Marshall
- FYI: INDEX file for 8-current is not yet available
Makoto Matsushita
- FYI: INDEX file for 8-current is not yet available
Makoto Matsushita
- NTFS-3G mount during boot
- Idea: static builds
Jeremy Messenger
- Which "linux emulation" works with which programs or the
Jeremy Messenger
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Jeremy Messenger
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Jeremy Messenger
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Jeremy Messenger
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Jeremy Messenger
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Jeremy Messenger
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20 is being merged
Jeremy Messenger
- Proposition: make x11/nvidia-driver independent of misc/compat5x
Jeremy Messenger
- FreeBSD Port: postgresql-server-8.2.5_2
- Add SSL Knob to database/freetds to enable encryption
Anish Mistry
- HPLIP 2.7.9 Updated Port Skeleton
Anish Mistry
- Please test: mplayer 1.0 rc2
Anish Mistry
- papi port, fortran issues
Stephen Montgomery-Smith
- Missing libstdc++.so.6 for openoffice in stable
Stephen Montgomery-Smith
- fortran compiler issues in port
Stephen Montgomery-Smith
- Please test: mplayer 1.0 rc2
Wes Morgan
- rrdtool performance tuning
Dmitry Morozovsky
- portsnap troubles?
Simon L. Nielsen
- portsnap troubles?
Simon L. Nielsen
- parallel ports build
Jonathan Noack
- parallel ports build
Jonathan Noack
- TreeList failed: Error in "/var/db/sup/ports-all/checkouts.cvs:
- trouble building perlmagick
- trouble building perlmagick
- architecture considered wrong
- [users@httpd] apache finds mod_perl.so garbled
- beryl missing windows decorations
Robert Noland
- NTFS-3G mount at during boot
- NTFS-3G mount during boot
- NTFS-3G mount during boot
- NTFS-3G mount during boot
- NTFS-3G mount during boot
- NTFS-3G mount during boot
- NTFS-3G mount during boot
- FreeNX
- NTFS-3G mount during boot
- Trying to upgrade lsof to 4.79C on FreeBSD 5.5-STABLE
Clint Olsen
- trouble with ImageMagick self tests
Philipp Ost
- OpenEXR linking error
Philipp Ost
- FreeBSD Port: libXi-1.1.3,1
Anna Ostyakova
- FreeBSD Port: rhythmbox-0.10.1_3
Yuri Pankov
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Yuri Pankov
- Idea: static builds
Andrew Pantyukhin
- Idea: static builds
Andrew Pantyukhin
- NOPORTDOCS and man/info pages
Andrew Pantyukhin
- FreeBSD Port: freeradius-mysql-1.1.7 error
Jaron Parsons
- 'make -DNO_DEPENDS install' causing error
Peter Pentchev
- 'make -DNO_DEPENDS install' causing error
Peter Pentchev
- Weird problem with ports
Luchezar Petkov
- Weird problem with ports
Luchezar Petkov
- libpano12 is broken
Willy Picard
- The scandalous status of linux-flashplugin9
Willy Picard
- The scandalous status of linux-flashplugin9
Willy Picard
- x11/ati-driver
Mathias Picker
- Porting pdfedit-0.3.1
Michael Pope
- Porting pdfedit-0.3.1
Michael Pope
- Porting pdfedit-0.3.1
Michael Pope
- Xorg initial resolution broken
Randy Pratt
- FreeBSD Port: fga-1.3.4
Alessandro Presta
- Bacula wx-console's wx version
Alejandro Pulver
- NTFS-3G mount during boot
Alejandro Pulver
- NTFS-3G mount during boot
Alejandro Pulver
- Appropriate way of submitting multiple related ports at once?
- Ports using gcc 4.2 under FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE
Naram Qashat
- print/fontforge: link failure on amd64
Naram Qashat
- print/fontforge: link failure on amd64
Naram Qashat
- print/fontforge: link failure on amd64
Naram Qashat
- INDEX breakage
- INDEX breakage
- INDEX breakage
- INDEX breakage
- The scandalous status of linux-flashplugin9
- editors/vim -- long fetch times
- Proposition: make x11/nvidia-driver independent of misc/compat5x
- Deinstalling KDE.
- ImageMagick problems
John Reynolds
- The scandalous status of linux-flashplugin9
John Reynolds
- aqbanking update?
Beech Rintoul
- Trying to upgrade lsof to 4.79C on FreeBSD 5.5-STABLE
Larry Rosenman
- FreeBSD Port: postgresql-server-8.2.5_2
Larry Rosenman
- FreeBSD Port: png-1.2.22
Tobias Roth
- Problem building mod_perl
Giancarlo Rubio
- Change timezone on php
Giancarlo Rubio
- FreeBSD Port: postgresql-server-8.2.5_2
Giancarlo Rubio
- FreeBSD Port: postgresql-server-8.2.5_2
Giancarlo Rubio
- OpenOffice.org trouble
Kai S.
- OpenOffice.org trouble
Kai S.
- Appropriate way of submitting multiple related ports at once?
Boris Samorodov
- Appropriate way of submitting multiple related ports at once?
Boris Samorodov
- tinderboxes (was: Re: HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD)
Boris Samorodov
- i beg of you
Boris Samorodov
- port test error
Boris Samorodov
- devel/pear-1.6.2
Doug Sampson
- devel/pear-1.6.2
Doug Sampson
- substitutions in pkg-plist
Ricardo Nabinger Sanchez
- substitutions in pkg-plist
Ricardo Nabinger Sanchez
- Proposition: make x11/nvidia-driver independent of misc/compat5x
Carlos A. M. dos Santos
- Proposition: make x11/nvidia-driver independent of misc/compat5x
Carlos A. M. dos Santos
- Proposition: make x11/nvidia-driver independent of misc/compat5x
Carlos A. M. dos Santos
- ImageMagick problems
Paul Schmehl
- ImageMagick problems
Paul Schmehl
- ImageMagick problems
Paul Schmehl
- I don't understand this
Paul Schmehl
- I don't understand this
Paul Schmehl
- I don't understand this
Paul Schmehl
- graphics/OpenEXR fails
Paul Schmehl
- graphics/OpenEXR fails
Paul Schmehl
- ports/115888:[patch] optionify sysutils/screen
Cy Schubert
- ports/117488: [patch] sysutils/screen enable installation of man
Cy Schubert
- krb5 1.6.3 build "ldl" error on 7.0-BETA1/i386
Cy Schubert
- sysutils/screen -- INFO issue
Cy Schubert
- sysutils/screen -- INFO issue
Cy Schubert
- krb5 1.6.3 build "ldl" error on 7.0-BETA1/i386
Cy Schubert
- krb5 1.6.3 build "ldl" error on 7.0-BETA1/i386
Cy Schubert
- FreeBSD Port: nessus-2.2.9_1
Schweigert, Udo
- Install kdelibs3 on 6.2
Martin Schweizer
- FreeBSD Port: courier-authlib-vchkpw-0.59.3
Richard Secor
- FreeBSD Port: vpopmail-5.4.17_1
Richard Secor
- Deinstalling KDE.
TooMany Secrets
- Deinstalling KDE.
TooMany Secrets
- Updated FreeBSD Phing Port
Brian A. Seklecki
- php5 does not buid
Brian A. Seklecki
- 3.1.x Port update for FreeBSD
Brian A. Seklecki
- [phpunit-user] 3.1.x Port update for FreeBSD
Brian A. Seklecki
- FreeBSD Port for Testing_Selenium Client PEAR Binding
Brian A. Seklecki
- papi port, fortran issues
Harald Servat
- PAPI port, fortran issues
Harald Servat
- fortran compiler issues in port
Harald Servat
- fortran compiler issues in port
Harald Servat
- Suitable port mail reject repeaters
Wesley Shields
- Postfix Port - Extra 'fi'
Wesley Shields
- Python on 64-bit AMD??
Wesley Shields
- Python on 64-bit AMD??
Wesley Shields
- new imported libpcap has net/bpf.h handling issue
Norikatsu Shigemura
- apache startup fails
Meenoo Shivdasani
- Port installation/upgrades issues
David Southwell
- Port installation/upgrades issues
David Southwell
- Port installation/upgrades issues
David Southwell
- Python on 64-bit AMD??
David Southwell
- Suitable port mail reject repeaters
David Southwell
- Python on 64-bit AMD??
David Southwell
- Python on 64-bit AMD??
David Southwell
- Python on 64-bit AMD??
David Southwell
- ImageMagick - portupgrade failure -amd64 openexr issues
David Southwell
- ImageMagick - portupgrade failure -amd64 openexr issues
David Southwell
- ImageMagick modules (Re: ImageMagick - portupgrade failure
-amd64 openexr issues)
David Southwell
- Fwd: Re: ImageMagick modules (Re: ImageMagick - portupgrade failure
-amd64 openexr issues)
David Southwell
- Fwd: Re: ImageMagick modules (Re: ImageMagick - portupgrade
failure -amd64 openexr issues)
David Southwell
- Fwd: Re: ImageMagick modules (Re: ImageMagick - portupgrade failure
-amd64 openexr issues)
David Southwell
- Fwd: Re: ImageMagick modules (Re: ImageMagick - portupgrade
failure -amd64 openexr issues)
David Southwell
- Fwd: Re: ImageMagick modules (Re: ImageMagick - portupgrade
failure -amd64 openexr issues)
David Southwell
- Fwd: Re: ImageMagick modules (Re: ImageMagick - portupgrade failure
-amd64 openexr issues)
David Southwell
- quick fix for graphics/libpng
Stefan Sperling
- Idea: static builds
Diomidis Spinellis
- struct wi_req: how to deal with removal, affects multiple ports
Ulrich Spoerlein
- OpenLDAP 2.3/pam_ldap/nss_ldap: not working in FreeBSD 7.0-PRE!
Ulrich Spoerlein
- Has portsnap fallen asleep?
Lars Stokholm
- Has portmaster gone insane?
Lars Stokholm
- Has portmaster gone insane?
Lars Stokholm
- Has portmaster gone insane?
Lars Stokholm
- [users@httpd] apache finds mod_perl.so garbled
Maciej Suszko
- autoconf removal / Build error: KDE requires autoconf 2.53 or newer
Jan Henrik Sylvester
- aqbanking update?
Jan Henrik Sylvester
- Here we go again: mplayer 1.0 rc2, please test
Ion-Mihai Tetcu
- net/tightvnc, bsd.port.options,mk issues
Ion-Mihai Tetcu
- trouble with ImageMagick self tests
Mikhail Teterin
- ImageMagick problems
Mikhail Teterin
- ImageMagick problems
Mikhail Teterin
- The scandalous status of linux
Mikhail Teterin
- The scandalous status of linux
Mikhail Teterin
- ImageMagick modules (Re: ImageMagick - portupgrade failure -amd64
openexr issues)
Mikhail Teterin
- ImageMagick modules (Re: ImageMagick - portupgrade failure
-amd64 openexr issues)
Mikhail Teterin
- freebsd-ports Digest, Vol 233, Issue 7
Mikhail Teterin
- FreeBSD Port: libidn-0.6.14
Tex Texin
- Project ideas page: UPDATING parser and displayer
David E. Thiel
- Diablo on 7.0-BETA
Peter Thoenen
- Diablo on 7.0-BETA
Peter Thoenen
- fortran compiler issues in port
Thierry Thomas
- struct wi_req: how to deal with removal, affects multiple ports
Andrew Thompson
- xorg 7.3: xorgcfg is missing
Florent Thoumie
- GNOME 2.20.1 - missunderstanding with UPDATING
Heino Tiedemann
- gcc42 won't fetch
Joshua Tinnin
- I don't understand this
Josh Tolbert
- I don't understand this
Josh Tolbert
- php5 does not buid
Martin Tournoij
- Project ideas page: UPDATING parser and displayer
Martin Tournoij
- Please test: mplayer 1.0 rc2
Angelo Turetta
- php-magickwand trouble
Anton - Valqk
- postgresql80-server: can't compile with hier patch.
Anton - Valqk
- Which "linux emulation" works with which programs or the
Michal Varga
- INDEX breakage
Michal Varga
- deskutils/taskjuggler
Arend P. van der Veen
- PHP4 -> PHP5
Andrea Venturoli
- Python on 64-bit AMD??
Nicola Vitale
- FreeBSD Port: postgresql-server-8.2.5_2
Ivan Voras
- Feature enhancement for audio/ncmpc
Stefan Walter
- DATADIR question
Stefan Walter
- FreeNX
Stefan Walter
- Diablo on 7.0-BETA
Yi Wang
- graphics/OpenEXR fails
Martin Wilke
- Xfce4 after GNOME update
Martin Wilke
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
Martin Wilke
- mysql51-server won't start after upgrade
Jeffrey Williams
- mysql51-server won't start after upgrade
Jeffrey Williams
- FreeBSD Port: freeradius-mysql-1.1.7 error
David Wood
- Apparent devel/libtool problems with gcc 4.2,
as seen with net/freeradius
David Wood
- Apparent devel/libtool problems with gcc 4.2,
as seen with net/freeradius
David Wood
- Can't build cronolog after latest autotools upgrade on -CURRENT
LI Xin
- Please test: mplayer 1.0 rc2
Thomas Zander
- Please test: mplayer 1.0 rc2
Thomas Zander
- Please test: mplayer 1.0 rc2
Thomas Zander
- Please test: mplayer 1.0 rc2
Thomas Zander
- Please test: mplayer 1.0 rc2
Thomas Zander
- Here we go again: mplayer 1.0 rc2, please test
Thomas Zander
- aqbanking update?
G. Paul Ziemba
- Xorg initial resolution broken
- Missing libstdc++.so.6 for openoffice in stable
- Weird problem with ports
- Weird problem with ports
- graphics/OpenEXR fails
- Appropriate way of submitting multiple related ports at once?
- Appropriate way of submitting multiple related ports at once?
- the coming cold ... I mean freeze
- the coming cold ... I mean freeze
- the coming cold ... I mean freeze
- Current unassigned ports problem reports
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current unassigned ports problem reports
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current unassigned ports problem reports
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current unassigned ports problem reports
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current unassigned ports problem reports
FreeBSD bugmaster
- Current unassigned ports problem reports
FreeBSD bugmaster
- palm/plucker: plucker-build: Permission denied
- new port: linux netscape navigator
- OpenEXR linking error
eculp at encontacto.net
- OpenEXR linking error
eculp at encontacto.net
- Which "linux emulation" works with which programs or the inverse?
eculp at encontacto.net
- broken ports freebsd 7.0 amd64
syle ishere
- Help2man configure fails .
jaiswal.vikash at wipro.com
- Which "linux emulation" works with which programs or the
- libXfont not installing properly
- libXfont not installing
- FreeBSD unmaintained ports which are currently marked broken
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports which are currently marked broken
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD unmaintained ports which are currently scheduled for
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports which are currently scheduled for deletion
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD unmaintained ports which are currently marked forbidden
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- FreeBSD ports which are currently marked forbidden
linimon at FreeBSD.org
- Change the default GTK2 font?
- dns/ddclient stopped updating my dynamic DNS
- dns/ddclient stopped updating my dynamic DNS
- FreeBSD Port: libXi-1.1.3,1
tracy musaza
- asterisk-addons build problem on 6.2/i386
tracy musaza
- portupgrade installing error in apache 2.2.6_2
pepe perez
- Install error in apache 2.2.6_2
pepe perez
- x11/ati-driver
mr. phreak
- x11/ati-driver
mr. phreak
- opencascade /gcc-core compile error
mr. phreak
- port test error
javier prats
- ports/117324: devel/sourcenav can't build
ru at FreeBSD.org
- [update-request] please help to maintiners
- Xfce4 after GNOME update
- Xfce4 after GNOME update
- asterisk-addons build problem on 6.2/i386
taras at elantech.ru
- asterisk-addons build problem on 6.2/i386
taras at elantech.ru
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
tmclaugh at sdf.lonestar.org
- HEADS UP: GNOME 2.20.1 available for FreeBSD
tmclaugh at sdf.lonestar.org
- FreeBSD Port: pecl-svn-0.2
zaa at zaa.pp.ru
Last message date:
Wed Oct 31 21:09:17 PDT 2007
Archived on: Wed Oct 31 21:09:24 PDT 2007
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).