mysql51-server won't start after upgrade

Jeffrey Williams jeff at
Tue Oct 16 15:31:26 PDT 2007

Mike Andrews wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Oct 2007, Jeffrey Williams wrote:
>> I just upgraded mysql51-server with cvsup and portupgrade.
>> Now it won't start, and the error I am getting is:
>> [ERROR] /usr/local/libexec/mysqld: unknown variable 
>> 'innodb_log_arch_dir=/var/db/mysql/'
>> I have been scanning the release notes, but I haven't found anything 
>> yet, that indicates that this variable has been deprecated, and it 
>> still appears in the example my.cnf files.
> I ran into this last week, too.
> I had to poke around in the InnoDB source for this (as far as I can 
> tell this isn't documented anywhere), but apparently 
> innodb_log_group_home_dir has superceded innodb_log_arch_dir since 
> 4.0, so just change the latter to the former and everything works.
Hi Mike,

Thanks very much, that did the trick.


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