move fontconfig to LOCALBASE from X11BASE
Danny Pansters
danny at
Wed May 17 15:10:55 UTC 2006
On Wednesday 17 May 2006 14:43, Thomas E. Zander wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, 17. May 2006, at 1:14 +0200, Danny Pansters wrote
> according to [Re: move fontconfig to LOCALBASE from X11BASE]:
> > > % obiwan:ports# awk -F\| '$8 ~ /fontconfig/ {print $2 "/Makefile" }'
> > > INDEX
> > >
> > > | \ % xargs grep -l WITHOUT_X11 | wc -l
> > >
> > > % 120
> > >
> > > What about moving fontconfig from LOCALBASE to X11BASE ?
> >
> > Re-ocurring problem LOCALBASE vs X11BASE. The only real solution is to
> > ditch X11BASE altogether IMHO. For everything.
> This might be the reason why pkgsrc installs everything by default into
> /usr/pkg instead of enforcing a distinction between X and non-X.
Net/pkgsrc has an X11BASE also, and like Free if you install X as distribution
it goes there. They have a xpkgwedge pkg to keep X related pkgs from being
installed to /usr/X11R6 though:
We can probably do the same, but there's probably a reason why "our" X people
haven't done so. Isn't xorg going to ditch imake soon anyhow?
> Because as there are obviously at least 120 ports supporting X and
> non-X builds in some way, this is certainly worth some consideration.
> Does is actually work flawlessly to set X11BASE = ${LOCALBASE} ?
> Haven't tried that yet.
Me neither, but I think that wouldn't work right on FreeBSD.
> Riggs
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