move fontconfig to LOCALBASE from X11BASE

Thomas E. Zander riggs at
Wed May 17 12:44:00 UTC 2006


On Wed, 17. May 2006, at  1:14 +0200, Danny Pansters wrote
according to [Re: move fontconfig to LOCALBASE from X11BASE]:

> > % obiwan:ports# awk -F\| '$8 ~ /fontconfig/ {print $2 "/Makefile" }' INDEX
> > | \ %	xargs grep -l WITHOUT_X11 | wc -l
> > %     120
> >
> > What about moving fontconfig from LOCALBASE to X11BASE ?
> Re-ocurring problem LOCALBASE vs X11BASE. The only real solution is to ditch 
> X11BASE altogether IMHO. For everything.

This might be the reason why pkgsrc installs everything by default into
/usr/pkg instead of enforcing a distinction between X and non-X.
Because as there are obviously at least 120 ports supporting X and
non-X builds in some way, this is certainly worth some consideration.

Does is actually work flawlessly to set X11BASE = ${LOCALBASE} ?
Haven't tried that yet.


- "[...] I talked to the computer at great length and
-- explained my view of the Universe to it" said Marvin.
--- And what happened?" pressed Ford.
---- "It committed suicide." said Marvin.

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