Ruby publicity

Garance A Drosihn drosih at
Fri Feb 27 09:08:56 PST 2004

At 10:37 AM -0600 2/27/04, Tillman Hodgson wrote:
>Howdy folks,
>This morning I portupgraded two servers to ruby-
>from ruby- Since then, ruby appears to have died:
># portversion -v
>-bash: /usr/local/sbin/portversion: /usr/local/bin/ruby: bad 
>interpreter: No such file or directory
>Yet `pkg_info ruby-` shows that the package is installed.

I have not looked into this, but one of my friends says the basic
problem is that RUBY_DEFAULT_VER has changed, and thus the ruby 1.6
port only installs /usr/local/bin/ruby16, and does not also install

One quick fix for this would be to make a symlink from the missing
file to the installed file.  I'm sure it isn't the most perfect fix,
but it's the quickest!  :-)

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   gad at
Senior Systems Programmer           or  gad at
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  drosih at

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