Ruby publicity

Tillman Hodgson tillman at
Fri Feb 27 08:37:44 PST 2004

Howdy folks,

This morning I portupgraded two servers to ruby- (from
ruby- Since then, ruby appears to have died:

# portversion -v
-bash: /usr/local/sbin/portversion: /usr/local/bin/ruby: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

Yet `pkg_info ruby-` shows that the package is installed.

Naturally, this means that the portupgrade tools don't work. Is this a
known problem? shows a fairly
important commit message that I'm going to use to attempt to recover.
This is likely the sort of thing that could likely use a bit more
publicity ;-)


The surest way to keep a secret is to make people believe they already know the 
	- Ancient Fremen Wisdom

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