call for testers: altq in current
Eygene Ryabinkin
rea-fbsd at
Mon Apr 9 09:55:36 UTC 2007
Nate, good day.
Mon, Apr 09, 2007 at 05:56:14AM +0000, nate at wrote:
> A few weeks ago, I committed a change to ALTQ that I was only able to
> compile-test. What I need is someone with a laptop or other
> cpufreq-capable system that is also using ALTQ to verify that with
> powerd running, the queuing timing is now reliable.
I see no difference between the -CURRENT from today and from 30th
March (I see that your commit was made at 26th of March, but I am
not sure that mu current was updated after it for the -CURRENT
compiled at 30th of March).
The bad news are that the ALTQ behaves wrong: when the CPU frequency
is changed the bandwidth changes too. Either I am doing something
wrong, or your commit should be polished a bit.
My environment is: Asus A2D running AMD Mobile XP, iwi (Intel
2915ABG) and 7-CURRENT. The pf rules were:
altq on iwi0 bandwidth 3Kb cbq queue { dflt }
queue dflt bandwidth 100% cbq(default)
pass out quick log on iwi0 proto tcp from $my_ip to any flags S/AUSPF \
keep state queue dflt
The interface is running at 22 Mbit/sec most of the time. No polling
was enabled. The bandwidth was measured by the ifstat, powerd was
disabled and I had changed the frequency via sysctl. Four frequencies
were used: 400, 800, 1600 and 2200. The kernel config included the
following ALTQ options:
options ALTQ
options ALTQ_CBQ
options ALTQ_RED
options ALTQ_RIO
options ALTQ_HFSC
options ALTQ_CDNR
options ALTQ_PRIQ
Basically, I made two tests: WAN and LAN downloading over FTP and
HTTP. WAN test was done for the old and new -CURRENTs and LAN test
was done just for the new -CURRENT. All tests were done in the
following manner: ifstat was spawned with the delay of 3 seconds,
files were downloaded by fetch and I manually changed the CPU
frequency via sysctl.
First two logs, ifstat.bw3Kb.old.wan.log and
do show the WAN results. The 100 Kbps corresponds to 400 MHz, 200
Kbps -- to 800 MHz, 410 Kbps -- to 1600 MHz and 560 Kbps -- to 2200
MHz CPU speed. I thought that I was bounded by the WAN link here. shows the behaviour for the LAN link
(machines are sitting on the same switch, so only L2 devices are
on the network path): just the same figures and bandwidth is still
changing with the CPU. shows the behaviour for the 100%
bandwidth, but with the ALTQ rules enabled (the '3K' were just
changed to '100%' in the pf.conf). The speed is pretty stable flying
around 20 Mbit/sec.
And shows the behaviour of
interface bandwidth for pf.conf without any ALTQ rules. The same
as above: 20 Mbit/sec, the interface bound.
-------------- next part --------------
FreeBSD 7.0-CURRENT #10: Sat Mar 31 16:23:39 MSD 2007
Kbps in Kbps out
98.57 2.92
94.94 2.75
95.01 2.75
98.88 2.92
94.77 2.75
94.77 2.75
99.53 2.92
94.61 2.75
193.16 5.67
189.38 5.50
196.02 5.67
264.11 7.73
216.82 6.19
189.22 5.67
193.32 5.67
193.16 5.67
189.87 5.50
387.80 11.17
287.93 8.59
382.54 11.17
382.54 11.17
387.32 11.34
Kbps in Kbps out
382.87 11.17
382.71 11.17
287.77 8.42
386.95 11.34
576.18 16.67
477.31 14.09
575.86 16.84
572.09 16.50
568.15 16.50
568.15 16.50
568.15 16.50
552.38 15.98
489.14 14.26
473.20 13.75
94.61 2.75
96.58 2.75
94.61 2.75
189.38 5.50
94.61 2.75
94.61 2.75
94.77 2.75
94.77 2.75
Kbps in Kbps out
95.11 2.75
94.61 2.75
94.94 2.75
95.09 2.75
95.44 2.75
95.44 2.75
378.60 11.00
568.65 16.50
567.65 16.50
568.05 16.50
568.64 16.50
567.81 16.50
473.54 13.75
568.13 16.50
567.81 16.50
567.98 16.50
567.81 16.50
473.20 13.75
94.61 2.75
95.11 2.75
95.99 2.75
94.61 2.75
Kbps in Kbps out
94.61 2.75
189.88 5.50
95.26 2.75
94.94 2.75
95.61 2.75
94.94 2.75
98.96 2.92
99.72 2.92
95.11 2.75
95.44 2.75
99.05 2.92
94.94 2.75
95.59 3.95
1187.37 4.30
1916.14 2.92
1671.74 2.99
169.67 1.65
4.75 0.45
4.11 0.22
0.00 0.89
32.20 5.46
13.63 0.34
Kbps in Kbps out
2.44 0.89
114.65 3.27
170.51 4.98
102.66 2.92
103.33 2.92
102.83 3.09
106.60 3.09
106.60 3.98
87.06 2.58
87.06 2.41
98.72 2.92
103.31 2.92
103.16 3.09
103.32 2.92
520.85 15.12
568.45 16.50
564.04 16.33
564.54 16.50
560.26 16.15
564.04 16.50
559.93 16.15
560.58 16.50
Kbps in Kbps out
555.99 16.15
536.61 16.53
544.00 15.98
509.18 14.95
576.03 16.84
576.16 16.84
564.34 16.50
496.69 19.28
106.43 4.06
789.57 23.03
567.81 16.50
563.87 16.33
567.81 16.50
563.87 16.33
565.00 16.50
563.87 16.33
564.04 16.33
559.93 16.33
563.70 16.33
560.26 16.33
557.64 16.33
536.61 15.81
Kbps in Kbps out
572.25 16.67
485.53 15.15
576.20 16.67
572.55 16.84
556.16 16.15
501.45 14.78
575.87 16.84
576.20 16.84
564.86 16.50
493.08 14.43
575.87 16.84
576.20 16.84
572.26 16.67
485.36 14.26
575.53 16.84
576.55 17.06
478.19 14.98
576.20 16.84
576.52 16.84
481.59 14.68
490.23 17.81
509.23 16.35
Kbps in Kbps out
513.38 19.82
328.16 13.75
414.63 15.89
408.68 14.60
482.49 16.88
406.24 17.22
221.26 10.70
199.30 11.75
263.46 13.36
0.33 0.00
1.18 0.52
0.67 0.00
0.50 0.00
0.17 0.00
0.50 0.00
0.83 0.00
0.67 0.00
1.60 0.89
0.57 0.00
0.67 0.00
1.15 0.00
-------------- next part --------------
Kbps in Kbps out
197.44 5.67
209.09 6.01
205.46 6.01
205.94 6.01
202.09 5.84
207.80 5.84
100.50 2.92
107.10 3.09
98.88 2.92
99.05 2.92
106.77 3.09
95.01 2.75
108.22 5.48
91.96 4.67
8.94 0.92
1.30 0.00
311.93 9.34
378.43 15.42
575.70 16.67
569.13 16.50
556.32 16.15
587.36 17.18
Kbps in Kbps out
568.61 16.50
560.26 16.33
567.98 16.50
564.76 16.33
565.65 16.33
564.99 16.50
560.10 16.15
568.15 16.50
560.43 16.33
565.18 16.33
555.99 19.04
209.26 9.36
347.54 10.14
91.96 3.31
96.80 7.25
28.81 1.20
27.76 1.20
20.21 0.52
87.22 2.58
102.99 2.92
106.93 3.09
103.33 3.09
Kbps in Kbps out
106.60 3.09
102.83 2.92
104.58 2.92
102.90 3.09
108.06 3.09
103.95 2.92
107.17 3.09
106.43 3.09
256.56 7.39
414.41 12.03
410.13 12.03
414.24 12.03
382.37 11.89
411.34 12.03
412.26 12.75
387.53 11.17
406.84 11.86
410.80 11.86
378.60 11.89
414.08 12.03
406.19 11.86
398.88 12.40
Kbps in Kbps out
165.90 8.20
324.06 12.03
398.64 12.58
403.40 11.69
412.21 11.86
419.14 12.20
411.02 12.75
378.43 11.00
406.19 11.86
418.02 12.03
410.47 12.03
411.28 11.86
410.63 11.86
406.36 11.86
379.72 11.89
411.26 11.86
405.83 16.14
51.82 2.78
525.88 15.29
414.08 12.20
374.66 11.72
414.08 12.03
Kbps in Kbps out
411.28 12.03
407.52 11.88
399.34 11.88
410.80 11.86
414.41 12.03
412.00 11.86
411.42 12.03
411.11 11.86
406.69 12.75
382.54 11.00
408.02 11.86
399.14 11.51
414.74 13.00
170.01 10.53
363.81 10.48
415.20 12.03
56.57 1.72
612.23 18.04
418.02 12.03
413.91 12.03
423.17 12.37
410.78 12.76
Kbps in Kbps out
21.17 1.44
0.00 0.89
1.71 0.00
3.30 0.00
-------------- next part --------------
Kbps in Kbps out
2.62 0.00
589.57 18.09
18669.92 13.40
31489.68 11.69
19202.29 9.37
190.63 5.50
424.35 12.03
431.53 12.54
426.72 12.37
387.22 12.06
413.91 12.03
417.85 12.20
410.54 11.86
556.81 17.04
541.17 15.81
568.45 16.50
563.87 16.33
564.28 16.33
565.48 16.50
569.33 16.50
561.39 16.15
564.37 16.50
Kbps in Kbps out
564.20 16.33
563.87 16.33
564.04 16.50
560.26 16.15
564.54 16.50
560.81 16.15
140.06 4.12
104.19 2.92
99.99 2.92
106.93 3.09
99.68 2.75
103.81 3.09
99.18 2.75
107.23 3.09
106.60 3.09
102.66 2.92
102.83 2.92
103.64 3.09
103.30 2.92
99.94 2.92
107.49 3.09
99.05 2.75
Kbps in Kbps out
103.40 3.09
99.68 2.75
106.77 3.09
193.83 5.67
209.26 6.19
203.98 5.84
206.66 5.84
202.17 5.84
206.74 6.01
211.44 6.01
205.15 5.84
205.78 6.01
205.15 6.01
201.04 5.84
201.21 5.84
209.26 6.01
205.63 5.84
205.48 6.01
202.42 5.84
206.35 6.01
207.78 5.84
207.24 6.01
Kbps in Kbps out
201.28 5.84
209.40 6.01
201.04 5.84
201.21 5.84
7112.54 6.01
8487.54 5.84
8393.33 5.84
8445.70 5.84
8480.12 5.84
8570.78 5.84
8711.31 6.01
8810.97 5.84
8708.77 5.84
8787.04 5.84
8839.44 5.84
8893.75 6.01
9145.30 5.84
8945.83 5.89
5648.75 3.61
4420.10 2.92
4353.61 2.92
4439.81 2.92
Kbps in Kbps out
4423.31 2.92
4588.47 3.09
4655.13 2.92
4463.51 2.92
4474.83 2.92
4411.42 2.92
4572.88 2.92
4495.80 2.92
4519.39 2.92
4617.73 2.92
4558.00 2.92
4593.08 2.92
10817.43 6.70
26451.77 16.15
26857.64 16.15
1926.78 7.58
601.27 17.36
581.12 16.84
573.23 16.67
571.88 16.67
568.39 16.50
569.68 16.50
Kbps in Kbps out
568.53 16.50
563.87 16.33
564.52 16.33
276.27 8.08
106.60 3.98
83.26 3.30
91.07 2.58
79.34 2.41
96.53 3.64
88.35 2.58
87.44 2.41
99.12 2.92
107.42 3.98
98.88 2.92
71.12 2.06
106.60 3.09
110.07 3.09
99.36 2.92
106.77 3.09
99.72 2.75
198.10 5.67
206.20 6.90
Kbps in Kbps out
175.15 4.98
206.78 6.01
201.88 5.84
205.32 6.01
205.65 5.84
209.43 7.08
174.45 4.98
201.54 5.84
205.56 6.01
207.41 6.73
190.67 5.67
191.25 5.50
198.26 5.67
373.05 10.83
563.71 16.33
559.93 16.33
565.42 16.33
562.34 16.33
564.37 16.33
560.26 16.33
564.04 16.33
533.15 16.36
Kbps in Kbps out
557.28 16.15
562.44 16.33
536.68 16.53
560.26 16.15
555.82 16.15
15098.33 17.04
23273.85 15.98
23727.56 16.15
24137.17 16.15
24568.05 16.15
24973.92 16.15
25396.29 16.15
25545.56 16.15
26112.10 16.23
26352.10 16.15
26865.67 16.15
26691.50 16.15
22682.73 16.15
27160.39 16.15
17929.82 10.31
10356.76 6.01
10569.55 5.84
Kbps in Kbps out
10552.96 5.84
10455.15 5.84
10620.86 5.84
10584.75 5.84
10663.57 6.01
10876.81 5.84
10774.22 5.84
5885.04 3.26
5220.96 2.92
5251.64 2.92
5192.73 2.92
5248.51 2.92
-------------- next part --------------
Kbps in Kbps out
17874.62 526.99
23139.55 672.77
22008.85 640.29
21506.04 625.00
16845.20 495.46
22987.15 668.98
15448.84 462.19
21059.47 611.94
21071.57 612.97
23056.71 670.19
22773.81 597.32
18978.01 475.50
15760.53 488.32
22992.68 693.77
22533.94 659.02
21991.65 637.08
21969.94 572.66
15235.27 471.71
22158.33 668.46
22052.44 653.18
22534.01 658.35
24180.43 620.35
Kbps in Kbps out
23684.54 589.61
22871.69 550.65
23550.85 566.99
24192.72 619.14
23872.93 585.78
21579.28 544.24
13398.41 414.89
22848.66 679.93
22521.29 654.87
22364.32 650.79
22541.13 579.47
24268.71 610.73
23082.19 547.84
16677.39 407.69
22040.23 641.35
23204.82 675.03
22222.01 646.30
22394.81 623.11
23877.52 583.23
18443.01 455.58
-------------- next part --------------
Kbps in Kbps out
18452.19 538.41
22437.78 652.48
22666.98 659.72
22761.46 659.17
23260.17 628.45
22853.19 601.63
23300.97 617.59
22731.39 598.72
23684.27 630.67
22761.93 598.88
23364.54 618.81
22943.07 605.23
23006.05 609.19
23527.58 622.76
23861.80 629.98
23270.16 615.71
23893.09 633.93
23682.24 625.18
23577.58 623.45
22686.82 599.73
24120.59 635.98
23561.94 621.39
Kbps in Kbps out
23581.51 625.68
22498.29 592.53
23637.41 627.23
22781.75 600.08
17779.97 493.71
21691.01 631.55
23329.52 678.61
22423.02 651.46
22474.24 635.99
22651.61 598.88
23822.15 630.50
22990.18 607.98
22954.60 605.92
22231.79 586.15
18601.94 512.59
22273.46 648.53
9592.99 281.78
0.50 0.00
1.48 0.00
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