p5-Net-3.08,1 fails to configure....

Henk van Oers henk.van.oers at xs4all.nl
Thu May 12 16:38:50 UTC 2016

On Thu, 12 May 2016, Mathieu Arnold wrote:

> +--On 12 mai 2016 14:50:55 +0200 Michelle Sullivan <michelle at sorbs.net>
> wrote:
> | Mathieu Arnold wrote:
> |>
> |> +--On 11 mai 2016 22:35:29 +0200 Michelle Sullivan <michelle at sorbs.net>
> |> wrote:
> |> | =======================<phase: configure >============================
> |> | ===>  Configuring for p5-Net-3.08,1
> |> | ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.64 required--this is only version 6.6302
> |> | at ./Makefile.PL line 25.
> |> | BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./Makefile.PL line 25.
> |> | *** Error code 255
> |>
> |> To get ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.63_02, you need to have Perl 5.16.
> |>
> |> Perl 5.16 has been removed from the tree at the end of 2015.
> |>
> |> Most compat shims were then removed.

"Most" but not all.

> |>
> |> Please, use a supported (that is, unpatched) ports tree.
> |>
> |> Kind regards,
> |>
> | Up to you what you do with it.  I'm just posting the fixes... if you want
> | to keep breaking stuff by forcing upgrades your userbase will keep
> | shrinking.
> |
> | If you don't want to foolproof just let me know and I won't both posting
> | any more patches.
> I don't mind patches fixing the FreeBSD ports tree.  Your patches don't fix
> the FreeBSD ports tree, they fix your ports tree.
> Perl 5.16 has not been supported for a year, it was removed last year, so
> it is not supported by the ports tree.

Some ports support running on 5.8 (eg Dancer).
What harm can a ExtUtils::MakeMaker requirement do?

-- Henk

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