p5-Net-3.08,1 fails to configure....

Michelle Sullivan michelle at sorbs.net
Thu May 12 13:43:38 UTC 2016

Mathieu Arnold wrote:
> +--On 12 mai 2016 14:50:55 +0200 Michelle Sullivan <michelle at sorbs.net>
> wrote:
> | Mathieu Arnold wrote:
> |>
> |> +--On 11 mai 2016 22:35:29 +0200 Michelle Sullivan <michelle at sorbs.net>
> |> wrote:
> |> | =======================<phase: configure >============================
> |> | ===>  Configuring for p5-Net-3.08,1
> |> | ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.64 required--this is only version 6.6302
> |> | at ./Makefile.PL line 25.
> |> | BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./Makefile.PL line 25.
> |> | *** Error code 255
> |>
> |> To get ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.63_02, you need to have Perl 5.16.
> |>
> |> Perl 5.16 has been removed from the tree at the end of 2015.
> |>
> |> Most compat shims were then removed.
> |>
> |> Please, use a supported (that is, unpatched) ports tree.
> |>
> |> Kind regards,
> |>
> | Up to you what you do with it.  I'm just posting the fixes... if you want
> | to keep breaking stuff by forcing upgrades your userbase will keep
> | shrinking.
> |
> | If you don't want to foolproof just let me know and I won't both posting
> | any more patches.
> I don't mind patches fixing the FreeBSD ports tree.  Your patches don't fix
> the FreeBSD ports tree, they fix your ports tree.
Yeah you're mostly right, but then...

My ports tree uses the current FreeBSD ports definitions with some local 
ports... (eg mail/spamtrap-milter, lang/perl5.16 and oldosver/make to 
name a couple to support building on unsupported versions of the OS with 
a view to helping people upgrade where *@freebsd.org leaves them high 
and dry)

> Perl 5.16 has not been supported for a year, it was removed last year, so
> it is not supported by the ports tree.

Ok so anything related to stuff I am running here is unsupported, so you 
answered my question - I shouldn't bother as you don't want the patches 
even though they don't break stuff on the current ports system they just 
make stuff work where it was broken (and unsupported by *@freebsd.org.)

> FYI, Perl 5.18 is not supported any more and will be removed at the end of
> the year, when that happens, any support for it will be removed from the
> official FreeBSD ports tree.

Understood, don't worry then, I'll just run my own versions and not 
bother with sending fixes back as it's too difficult to tell which is 
stuff deliberately broken to force upgrades as opposed to "real bugs".

Michelle Sullivan

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