perl (5.8.9 to 5.8.14) portupgrade error

Yutaka Itoh y.itoh at
Mon May 13 17:38:37 UTC 2013

Thanks, Milki.

I dkipped these 2 steps and tried to install perl-5.14 again.
But I came across same error.

root at ylog1:/etc# cd /usr/ports/lang/perl5.14 && make config && make package
===> Building/installing dialog4ports as it is required for the config dialog
===>  Cleaning for dialog4ports-0.1.3
===>   dialog4ports-0.1.3 depends on file: /usr/local/sbin/pkg - not found
===>    Verifying install for /usr/local/sbin/pkg in /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg
===>  pkg-1.0.12 not supported on 7.x or early 8.0.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/dialog4ports.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/dialog4ports.
===> Options unchanged
===>  Configuring for perl-5.14.2_3
First let's make sure your kit is complete.  Checking...
Would you like to see the instructions? [n]
Locating common programs...
Checking compatibility between /bin/echo and builtin echo (if any)...
Symbolic links are supported.
Checking how to test for symbolic links...
You can test for symbolic links with 'test -h'.
Good, your tr supports [:lower:] and [:upper:] to convert case.
Using [:upper:] and [:lower:] to convert case.
3b1             dragonfly       irix_6_0        opus            super-ux
aix             dynix           irix_6_1        os2             svr4
aix_3           dynixptx        isc             os390           svr5
aix_4           epix            isc_2           os400           ti1500
altos486        esix4           linux           posix-bc        titanos
amigaos         fps             lynxos          powerux         ultrix_4
atheos          freebsd         midnightbsd     qnx             umips
aux_3           genix           mips            rhapsody        unicos
beos            gnu             mirbsd          riscos          unicosmk
bsdos           gnukfreebsd     mpc             sco             unisysdynix
catamount       gnuknetbsd      mpeix           sco_2_3_0       utekv
convexos        greenhills      ncr_tower       sco_2_3_1       uts
cxux            haiku           netbsd          sco_2_3_2       uwin
cygwin          hpux            newsos4         sco_2_3_3       vmesa
darwin          i386            next_3          sco_2_3_4       vos
dcosx           interix         next_3_0        solaris_2
dec_osf         irix_4          next_4          stellar
dgux            irix_5          nonstopux       sunos_4_0
dos_djgpp       irix_6          openbsd         sunos_4_1
Which of these apply, if any? [freebsd]

Some users have reported that Configure halts when testing for
the O_NONBLOCK symbol with a syntax error.  This is apparently a
sh error.  Rerunning Configure with ksh apparently fixes the
problem.  Try
        ksh Configure [your options]

Operating system name? [freebsd]
Operating system version? [8.3-release-p3]
Installation prefix to use? (~name ok) [/usr/local]
AFS does not seem to be running...
What installation prefix should I use for installing files? (~name ok)
Build Perl for SOCKS? [n]
Use the PerlIO abstraction layer? [y]
Getting the current patchlevel...
Build a threading Perl? [n]
Build Perl for multiplicity? [n]
Use which C compiler? [cc]
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `__pselect at FBSDprivate_1.0'
Uh-oh, the C compiler 'cc' doesn't seem to be working.
You seem to have a working gcc, though.
Would you like to use it? [y]
/usr/lib/ undefined reference to `__pselect at FBSDprivate_1.0'
You need to find a working C compiler.
Either (purchase and) install the C compiler supplied by your OS vendor,
or for a free C compiler try
I cannot continue any further, aborting.
===>  Script "Configure" failed unexpectedly.
Please report the problem to perl at [maintainer] and attach the
"/usr/ports/lang/perl5.14/work/perl-5.14.2/config.log" including the output
of the failure of your make command. Also, it might be a good idea to provide
an overview of all packages installed on your system (e.g. a
/usr/local/sbin/pkg info -g -Ea).
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/lang/perl5.14.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/lang/perl5.14.

On Mon, 13 May 2013 09:57:34 -0700
milki <milki at> wrote:

> On 11:56 Mon 13 May     , Yutaka Itoh wrote:
> > Dear Olli.
> > 
> > Thank you for your instruction.
> > Yes, I want to upgrade perl from 5.8 to 5.14 (or 5.16),
> > Now I am trying to reconstruct the package of my machine.
> > But I came across the error after this command.
> > > $> cd ports-mgmt/pkg && make package
> > 
> > root at ylog1:/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg# make package
> > ===>  pkg-1.0.12 not supported on 7.x or early 8.0.
> You can safely skip the use of pkg if its not supported. pkg is just an
> updated tool to manage packages and replaces the older pkg_* scripts.
> >    106  11:10   echo "WITH_PKGNG=yes" >> /etc/make.conf
> >    130  11:39   cd ports-mgmt/pkg && make package
> Skip these two steps in that case.
> -- 
> milki

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