perl (5.8.9 to 5.8.14) portupgrade error

milki milki at
Mon May 13 17:05:02 UTC 2013

On 11:56 Mon 13 May     , Yutaka Itoh wrote:
> Dear Olli.
> Thank you for your instruction.
> Yes, I want to upgrade perl from 5.8 to 5.14 (or 5.16),
> Now I am trying to reconstruct the package of my machine.
> But I came across the error after this command.
> > $> cd ports-mgmt/pkg && make package
> root at ylog1:/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg# make package
> ===>  pkg-1.0.12 not supported on 7.x or early 8.0.

You can safely skip the use of pkg if its not supported. pkg is just an
updated tool to manage packages and replaces the older pkg_* scripts.

>    106  11:10   echo "WITH_PKGNG=yes" >> /etc/make.conf
>    130  11:39   cd ports-mgmt/pkg && make package

Skip these two steps in that case.


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