A query about building open office..

Randall Stewart rrs at cisco.com
Wed Sep 20 03:45:05 PDT 2006

Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
> It might be because you have SMP.

Hmm.. nope my laptop is NOT an SMP machine.. but I
bet I do have this defined in the kernel.. I will go
rebuild my kernel without it.. maybe that will help too.
> Anyway, I always install the jdk14 port first - then it skips the diablo 
> port and it builds fine for me (well with WITHOUT_MOZILLA set).  This is 
> on a very recent 6.1.
Hmm.. i will try this.. and I don't think I need mozilla either so
I will do just like you :-D


Randall Stewart
NSSTG - Cisco Systems Inc.
803-345-0369 <or> 815-342-5222 (cell)

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