A query about building open office..
Stephen Montgomery-Smith
stephen at math.missouri.edu
Tue Sep 19 16:52:23 PDT 2006
Randall Stewart wrote:
> Hi all:
> I have a problem and was hoping for some advice..
> I recently re-installed my new laptop with 6.1 release.
> Then, I went through the upgrade to 7.0... buildworld all
> that fun.. after a bit of struggle.. ta-da.. I have
> it up and running.. and of course many of the packages
> core (I guess a library issue).. so I went through
> and removed and rebuilt everything .. now all was
> fine until I got to openoffice... :-0
> I can build it but it blows up during config... turns out
> diablo-jdk15 seems to be the problem.. when I run
> java -version (like config does).. it core dumps..
It might be because you have SMP.
Anyway, I always install the jdk14 port first - then it skips the diablo
port and it builds fine for me (well with WITHOUT_MOZILLA set). This is
on a very recent 6.1.
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