What does the WITH_KDE=yes actually do currently?

Ian Moore no-spam at swiftdsl.com.au
Fri Jul 21 08:44:59 UTC 2006

Just a question about KDE integration in ooo, if anyone here knows about it.
I've built ooo-2.0.3 from ports with the WITH_KDE=yes switch, but as far as I 
can tell, the only KDE integration is the kde style icons on the menus & 
toolbars - apart from that, it looks like a GTK app, but doesn't even work 
with the GTK-QT Theme Engine.
I did have ooo-2.0.2 installed from a package before my last update and I 
think it looked more like a KDE app than the version I've built from 
ports :-/
(as far as I can remember, it did work with the GTK-QT engine and it had the 
same KDE style icons - which I believe are now officially part of ooo.

So, I'm just wondering if anyone here knows what the WITH_KDE=yes switch is 
currently supposed to do to the port. 
Will I actually get better KDE integration if I build it without the KDE 
switch and rely on the GTK-QT engine instead? :-)

I used ooo-2.0.2 on kubuntu today and it looks just like a KDE app (they've 
added the (as yet experimental) KDE File dialog to their version). 

gpg key: http://home.swiftdsl.com.au/~imoore/no-spam.asc
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