vs. ooo-build

Bartosz Fabianowski freebsd at
Sat Dec 3 21:09:49 PST 2005

Hi list

I have been tracking for quite a while. Now, 
with ooo-build available for playing around with, I am considering 
giving it a try instead. Before doing that though, I would like to 
figure out how long-lived the whole ooo-build project will be. I have 
seen it mentioned on various developer blogs, so there currently seems 
to be some interest in it.

But is this really just a toy project some people are fooling around 
with? Or maybe a testbed for a new and improved build environment? Or is 
this moving towards a genuine fork?

It just seems hard to judge this brand-new port; I am interested in it, 
but a bit scared to run an app on my precious files that 
might make slightly incompatible changes to them... Does anyone 
(especially OO.o devs lurking around on this list I guess) have an 
opinion on this? Is someone using ooo-build already? Or considering 
switching? If so, why? Or why not?

Lots of questions, I know, but maybe if some people answer them, those 
answers will guide future confused users as well.

- Bartosz

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