Install error OOo-1.1.3 on 4.10p3
Don Lewis
truckman at
Thu Oct 21 13:27:00 PDT 2004
On 21 Oct, Benjamin Thelen wrote:
> Hi Don,
> I cut this posting, as it got a little complex.
>> On 21 Oct, Benjamin Thelen wrote:
> ...
> snip
> ...
>> Some parts of the OpenOffice build want to access an X11 server. If you
> are running the build in a terminal window under X11, $DISPLAY should be
> automatically set. If $DISPLAY isn't set, the Makefile for the port
> will start Xvfb, which is an X11 server for a virtual frame buffer. In
> my case, $DISPLAY is set because I'm doing the build in an xterm window.
> I understand this. I'm building OOo in a xterm under X11 at the moment.
> I'm used to do the most without X, because up to now I'm running FreeBSD
> just on server machines.
> Getting OOo to run is part of my project "FreeBSD for desktop (and
> notebook)" :-)! I also want to change at home, but therfore I really need
> OOo.
> ...
> snip
> ...
>>> dmake has been successfully built
>> Your build appears to be terminating way too early. I see the matching
> output about 21% of the way through my successful portupgrade run.
> Wow, that is interesting! No surprise that installing OOo fails. But why
> does building terminate so early? There is no error message. I could maybe
> pipe the building output into a file and check...
I'm not able to reproduce the problem you're seeing by unsetting
$DISPLAY. Can you try removing the leading @'s in this section of the
Makefile so that we can see where things are dying?
.if !defined(DISPLAY)
# This is a UGLY hack to not have to specify a X-Display.
${X11BASE}/bin/Xvfb :1001 -screen 0 800x600x24 > /dev/null 2>&1 & ${ECHO
} $$! > ${WRKDIR}/
@sleep 5
@cd ${WRKSRC} ; PATH="${PATH}:${LOCALBASE}/bin:${LOCALBASE}/sbin" ./boot
.if defined(L10NHELP) || defined(ALL_LOCALIZED_LANGS)
@${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/solver/${BUILD_NR}/
@${CP} ${WRKDIR}/L10NHELP/*.zip ${WRKSRC}/solver/${BUILD_NR}/
.if !defined(DISPLAY)
LOCALBASE}/sbin" ; \
${TCSH} -c 'source FreeBSDEnv.Set ; unsetenv TOP ; ${BUILD}'
@-${CAT} ${WRKDIR}/ | ${XARGS} kill
@${RM} -f ${WRKDIR}/
LBASE}/sbin" ; \
${TCSH} -c 'source FreeBSDEnv.Set ; unsetenv TOP ; ${BUILD}'
After editing the Makefile, run "make" in the port directory and capture
the stdout and stderr to a file.
Base on what you've posted, it looks like ./bootstrap is getting run,
but ${BUILD} is not.
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