Install error OOo-1.1.3 on 4.10p3

Benjamin Thelen bt at
Thu Oct 21 13:01:48 PDT 2004

Hi Don,
I cut this posting, as it got a little complex.

> On 21 Oct, Benjamin Thelen wrote:
> Some parts of the OpenOffice build want to access an X11 server.  If you
are running the build in a terminal window under X11, $DISPLAY should be
automatically set.  If $DISPLAY isn't set, the Makefile for the port
will start Xvfb, which is an X11 server for a virtual frame buffer.  In
my case, $DISPLAY is set because I'm doing the build in an xterm window.

I understand this. I'm building OOo in a xterm under X11 at the moment.
I'm used to do the most without X, because up to now I'm running FreeBSD
just on server machines.

Getting OOo to run is part of my project "FreeBSD for desktop (and
notebook)" :-)! I also want to change at home, but therfore I really need


>> dmake has been successfully built
> Your build appears to be terminating way too early.  I see the matching
output about 21% of the way through my successful portupgrade run.

Wow, that is interesting! No surprise that installing OOo fails. But why
does building terminate so early? There is no error message. I could maybe
pipe the building output into a file and check...



>> I can see what you mean, but I'm absolutely not enough in such
>> "Makefile-things". I've just changed it and building OOo again. But
it'll take an hour. I'll tell (tomorrow).
> That's way too fast ...  It takes more than 13 hours on my 1.113 GHZ
Pentium III.

That is of course a huge difference! Amazing. It's a P4 2.4, but that
would of course not explain a difference of 12 hours.

Thanks again for your detailed feedback.


>> But, what is obvious, that the end of OOo buildings looks so different!?
>> Thanks very much,
>> Ben

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