Problems booting

P Stalidis pstal at
Fri Jan 14 00:53:43 PST 2005

Nikolas Britton wrote:

> James Mathers wrote:
>> Thanks very much - this solved my problem.
> np. If you don't need USB I'd just leave usb disabled (I'm assuming 
> you disabled it in the BIOS)... but if you do need it you have a few 
> options... You could play with the BIOS settings (legacy mode, etc 
> etc). You could disable the extra usb controllers in freebsd (or 
> something like that). Or you could apply the kernel patch (kern/72492) 
> to your system. I'd play with the BIOS settings first and if that 
> didn't work I'd do the patch because it looks like a relatively strait 
> foreword and simple fix:
> If you have anymore questions about this subject I'd post them to the 
> freebsd-questions mailing list and not here as they will be more 
> competent at answering your technical questions then newbies helping 
> newbies.
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I agree about technical question being sent to the questions-list but 
being newbies in fbsd deosn't mean that all people here are newbies in 
I'd also like to add that many "newbies" that are not in the 
questions-list can benefit from listening to other peoples questions so 
I would suggest that they subscribe to the questions-list...

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