Problems booting

Nikolas Britton freebsd at
Wed Jan 12 11:43:15 PST 2005

James Mathers wrote:

> Thanks very much - this solved my problem.
np. If you don't need USB I'd just leave usb disabled (I'm assuming you 
disabled it in the BIOS)... but if you do need it you have a few 
options... You could play with the BIOS settings (legacy mode, etc etc). 
You could disable the extra usb controllers in freebsd (or something 
like that). Or you could apply the kernel patch (kern/72492) to your 
system. I'd play with the BIOS settings first and if that didn't work 
I'd do the patch because it looks like a relatively strait foreword and 
simple fix:

If you have anymore questions about this subject I'd post them to the 
freebsd-questions mailing list and not here as they will be more 
competent at answering your technical questions then newbies helping 

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