trouble printing
Kjell B.
homebell at
Mon Feb 14 14:03:10 PST 2005
On 2005-02-13 23:03, Brian John wrote:
> Hello, I am having trouble printing from my HP Deskjet 710C printer. It
> is hooked up via parallel port and I can print fine with it from
> Windows. However, I can't get it to work in FreeBSD. I followed the
> instructions here:
> Everything seems to be fine. But when I try to test the printer using a
> command similar to this:
> # cat file > /dev/lptN
> or this:
> lptest > /dev/lpt0
> nothing happens. Does anyone have a clue what I might have done wrong?
> Thanks for the help
> /Brian
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I understand the Deskjet 710C is a similar beast as the 720C which I
have, i.e. it is a PPA printer. PPA is a proprietary HP format for which
there is no native support in either Linux or FreeBSD, but only in
Windows (and possibly Mac). Have a look at for
some hints. There is more information elsewhere, but I don't have the
links handy.
In summary, you have to first produce PostScript output, convert it to
PPM with Ghostscript, and finally convert that to PPA before sending it
off to the HW.
Personally, I set the printer up like this in printcap:
dj720c|lp|HP DeskJet
where ppa-test-filter (my naming, was supposed to be temporary) contains
#cat $1 | \
/usr/local/bin/gs -sDEVICE=ppmraw -q -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET
-r600 -sst
dout=%stderr -sOutputFile=- - | \
/usr/local/bin/pnm2ppa -i - -o -
(third line broken).
You need to install the ports print/ghostscript (7.07 is the version I'm
running) and print/pnm2ppa (I run version 1.12). Both are called from
the ppa-test-filter script.
Then you can feed PostScript output to the printer (dj720c or lp in my
Don't forget to read the pnm2ppa documentation for calibration and
It took me quite an amount of hours to get it going. I hope I saved you
some of those hours with the above.
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