freebsd without internet connection

Nikolas Britton freebsd at
Fri Feb 27 03:45:35 PST 2004

Yes, Run /stand/sysinstall as root. check the handbook etc. for details 
b4 you start the upgrade.

This is I think another way to do a binary upgrade:

Stephen Liu wrote:

>>> I have FreeBSD 5.2 running a slow PC for test purpose.  Kindly advise;
>>> 1) What steps and commands shall I apply to update/upgrade it from 
>>> Internet.  I am running 3M broadband. 
>> use sysinstall to do a binary upgrade
> Hi Nikolas,
> Tks for your advice.
> Is it to run
> # /stand/sysinstall
> B.R.
> Stephen

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