bridge0 not working when cable disconnected

Eugene Grosbein eugen at
Thu Nov 16 18:01:58 UTC 2017

17.11.2017 0:51, Andrea Venturoli wrote:
> Hello.
> I've got the following setup:
> re0:  192.168.x.1 (main IP)
>       192.168.x.2 (jail)
>       192.168.x.3 (jail)
>       192.168.x.4 (jail)
> tap0: VM-bhyve VM (using 192.168.x.9)
> bridge0: connecting re0 and tap0.
> The VM used to work properly.
> Now, however, I've got the network cable temporarily disconnected from re0 and the VM seems to be isolated: it can't reach 192.168.x.1 or any jail or anything else (192.168.x.1 is its gateway).
> tcpdump on tap0 or bridge0 show packets coming out of the VM, but no answer going in.
> Pinging 192.168.x.9 from the host yields "no route to host".
> Can the network cable disconnection be the reason?
> I'm asking here since the box is physically in another place and I cannot try this now, but would like to do some work before I go there.
> Any other hint, otherwise?

If you add an interface to a bridge, you should remove all IP addresses from it
and assign them to the bridge itself instead. And you will be fine.

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