bridge0 not working when cable disconnected

Andrea Venturoli ml at
Thu Nov 16 17:51:55 UTC 2017


I've got the following setup:
re0:  192.168.x.1 (main IP)
       192.168.x.2 (jail)
       192.168.x.3 (jail)
       192.168.x.4 (jail)
tap0: VM-bhyve VM (using 192.168.x.9)
bridge0: connecting re0 and tap0.

The VM used to work properly.
Now, however, I've got the network cable temporarily disconnected from 
re0 and the VM seems to be isolated: it can't reach 192.168.x.1 or any 
jail or anything else (192.168.x.1 is its gateway).
tcpdump on tap0 or bridge0 show packets coming out of the VM, but no 
answer going in.

Pinging 192.168.x.9 from the host yields "no route to host".

Can the network cable disconnection be the reason?
I'm asking here since the box is physically in another place and I 
cannot try this now, but would like to do some work before I go there.

Any other hint, otherwise?

  bye & Thanks

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