A web server behind two gateways?

Eugene Grosbein eugen at grosbein.net
Mon Jul 17 17:20:13 UTC 2017

17.07.2017 23:46, Alan Somers wrote:

>> So, the solution depends of kind of NAT you use.
> That's not 100% true.  The web server is choosing which gateway to
> use.  As Grzegorz said, it's only configured to use a single gateway
> at a time.  To do what Grzegorz wants, he'll need to use multiple
> fibs.  Set "net.fibs=2" and "net.add_addr_allfibs=0" in
> /boot/loader.conf and reboot.

This will work for a server directly connected to both external
gateways but won't work for a server behind two NAT boxes.

Eugene Grosbein

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