A web server behind two gateways?

Alan Somers asomers at freebsd.org
Mon Jul 17 16:46:47 UTC 2017

On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 5:33 AM, Eugene Grosbein <eugen at grosbein.net> wrote:
> On 16.07.2017 19:48, Grzegorz Junka wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a jail running a web server in LAN. There are two routers/WANs
>> that can connect LAN to the internet. I enabled NAT and port forwarding
>> to the web server on both routers.
>> The problem is that the web server responds to requests only from one
>> router at a time depending on the default gateway set on the jail's
>> host. If the default gateway is set as router 1 then the web page can be
>> opened only through WAN1 and vice versa.
>> Can I configure either router/host/jail so that the web server sends the
>> response back to the IP that sent the request packet rather than to the
>> default gateway?
> This is the job of external NAT box to route translated replys to right WAN
> based on external source IP address produced during translation of the reply.
> The jail or internal NAT have nothing to do with the problem.
> So, the solution depends of kind of NAT you use.

That's not 100% true.  The web server is choosing which gateway to
use.  As Grzegorz said, it's only configured to use a single gateway
at a time.  To do what Grzegorz wants, he'll need to use multiple
fibs.  Set "net.fibs=2" and "net.add_addr_allfibs=0" in
/boot/loader.conf and reboot.  You'll be able to configure a separate
gateway for each fib.  The hard part, though, is configuring your web
server to use multiple fibs.  I don't know if any common web server
has that kind of support builtin.  But your next guess was good.

>> And a bonus question, how can I configure two jails so that each jail
>> sends packets to a different gateway (which may or may not be the same
>> as the jails' host's default gateway)?
> Read "man jail" for "vnet" feature.

This is definitely the path of least resistance.  Basically, you'll
assign each jail to a separate fib, so you'll still need the
loader.conf settings I mentioned.  Unfortunately, VNET/VIMAGE isn't in
the standard kernel.  If you're unable to run a custom kernel on this
machine, you can still create two jails on separate fibs.  The biggest
downside compared to VNET/VIMAGE is that they'll share a single DNS
resolver.  Here's how to do it:

* Make the loader.conf settings I mentioned earlier.
* Create a separate static IP address for each jail, and associated
each with a separate fib.  Your rc.conf should contain something like
  ifconfig_igb1_alias0="inet fib 0"
  ifconfig_igb1_alias1="inet fib 1"
* Add the default routes in /etc/rc.local like this:
  /sbin/route add default -fib 0
  /sbin/route add default -fib 1
* Assign one address to one jail and the other address to the other jail
* Ensure that in each jail, the web server starts with the correct
fib.  For example, if you're using apache24, I think you can put
"apache24_fib=1" in /etc/rc.conf.  Other web servers may require
something different, depending on how their RC scripts are written.

Happy hacking!

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