em(4): difference between missed_packets and rx_overrun

hiren panchasara hiren at strugglingcoder.info
Fri Mar 27 17:33:35 UTC 2015

+ jfv, erj from Intel.

On 03/26/15 at 01:08P, hiren panchasara wrote:
> This is what we are seeing on em(4) 82574L chipset running stable/10:
> dev.em.0.mac_stats.missed_packets: 1441927
> dev.em.0.interrupts.rx_overrun: 153
> From the datasheet:
> http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ethernet-controllers/82574l-gbe-controller-datasheet.html
> Missed Packets Count - MPC (0x04010; R)
> Counts the number of missed packets. Packets are missed when the receive
> FIFO has insufficient space to store the incoming packet. This could be
> caused because of too few buffers allocated, or because there is
> insufficient bandwidth on the IO bus. Events setting this counter
> cause RXO, the receiver overrun interrupt, to be set. This register
> does not increment if receives are not enabled.
> Interrupt Cause Read Register - ICR (0x000C0; RC/WC)
> RXO Receiver Overrun
> Set on receive data FIFO overrun. Could be caused either because
> there are no available buffers or because PCIe receive bandwidth is
> inadequate.
> So, first one is a count and another one is an interrupt. Are these 2
> related? Both seem to be happen when on card FIFO gets full. We see no
> evidence of RX queue on the host being full based on
> dev.em.0.mac_stats.recv_no_buff.
> Many a times we see missed_packets increasing without rx_overrun
> changing.
> The spec says there is a 40KB buffer on card which seems to be used by
> both RX and TX? Is is split between them for 20KB each? OR is it
> possible that when we are doing high rate TX, we use up that buffer and
> RX suffers from that?
> Any insights would be helpful to understand the problem.
> Cheers,
> Hiren

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