nat exclusion?

Charles Swiger cswiger at
Wed Nov 2 13:55:36 PST 2005

On Nov 2, 2005, at 4:45 PM, Peter Gregorc wrote:
> I've got
> .241 is for BSD
> .242 for WS1
> .243 broadcast
> So two are usable for outside usage, if NAT is disabled.

Sure, but normally, either .1 or .2 of a /30 subnet (ie, your .241  
or .242) is the externally-connected router of your ISP.  A few of  
the better ISP's will support switching their devices from being a  
router to acting like a bridge, thus requiring you to provide a dual- 
homed machine yourself.

How else are you going to provide a default route except by using an  
IP which is reachable on that subnet...?


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