nat exclusion?

Charles Swiger cswiger at
Wed Nov 2 13:38:13 PST 2005

On Nov 2, 2005, at 4:09 PM, Peter Gregorc wrote:
> My config is like this:
>  |     |    |   |   |   |
>  ________________________  (switch or hub-doesn't matter)
> I've got a /30 class subnet from my ISP. What i want to do is:
>  -my BSD should start a PPPoE connection with my ISP
>  -one of the IPs from /30 should be used by BSD
>  -the 2nd of the IPs should be used by WS1
>  -WS2 and WS3 have local IP's and should have full access to internet
>  (NAT via BSD).

If you've got a /30 subnet, you've most probably got one usable  
routable public IP, and the other IP is going to be used by the  
router IP for your ISP.  Secondly, if you're going to want to NAT  
inside workstations, you need to have two NIC's in your BSD machine,  
one connected to the ADSL modem, and one connected to your internal  
LAN, using natd or whatever to do NAT...


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