tcp timestamp vulnerability?

Andre Oppermann andre at
Thu May 19 02:42:27 PDT 2005

Christian Brueffer wrote:
> Hi,
> has anyone taken a look at

sys/netinet/tcp_input.c Revision 1.270, Sun Apr 10 05:24:59 2005 UTC
 (5 weeks, 4 days ago) by ps
 Branch: MAIN
 Changes since 1.269: +23 -3 lines

 - Tighten up the Timestamp checks to prevent a spoofed segment from
   setting ts_recent to an arbitrary value, stopping further
   communication between the two hosts.
 - If the Echoed Timestamp is greater than the current time,
   fall back to the non RFC 1323 RTT calculation.

 Submitted by:	Raja Mukerji (raja at moselle dot com)
 Reviewed by:	Noritoshi Demizu, Mohan Srinivasan


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