Help with TV capture (mplayer/brooktree/audigy)

Arne Wörner arne_woerner at
Sat Apr 23 01:56:57 PDT 2005

--- Mario Sergio Fujikawa Ferreira <lioux at> wrote:
> > > > > 	2) Every few seconds the video
> > > > >          stream seems to choke; thus,
> > > > >          giving me an effect similar
> > > > >          to the famous interlaced
> > > > >          "blinders effect" so I added a
> > > > >          deinterlacer filter
> > > > 
> > > > 	Sync detection problems perhaps.
> 	Is there anything I can do to improve that? Perhaps,
> a harder filter looking for those?  I fear that such harder
> filtering will just decrease performance; thus, increasing
> the choking effect.
> 	Bear in mind that I do not mind 100% CPU occupancy for as
> long as, I can get good quality TV capture with good audio. :)
I mentioned, that the bktr does not issue a signal for every
expected frame. So I use my own code, that becomes impatient, when
the next frame is due, so that it just takes it (I use this old
mmap access method).  I think, that way I get at least the right
frame rate and possibly even the right frame (maybe the signal
gets lost or so...).

And I run the application with real time priority, because I hope,
that it cannot miss frames as easy as with normal or neg. nice

If you want, I can give you my source code. Here is a little piece
of it (I want 25 fps; those 25 fps are hard coded *blush*):
      tel = now();
      int dt = tel - tnx;
      bool grabNext = dt>=15000;
      if (grabNext) {
         if (dt >= 70000)
            grabNext = framerFlag;
              // framerFlag corresponds to signal
      if (!grabNext) {


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