thinkpad t30 console support 800x600 resolution?

Suken Woo wsk at
Thu Jun 19 23:11:19 PDT 2003

Greg Smith :
> Suken,
> If you do 
> vidcontrol -i mode
> do you see a row starting
> 258 (0x102) ....
> This is the video mode for the larger console.  Some newer graphics
> cards do not support it.
> Greg
not at all & i just see below:
     mode#     flags   type    size       font      window      linear 
  24 (0x018) 0x00000001 T 80x25           8x16  0xb8000 32k 32k 
0x00000000 32k
  30 (0x01e) 0x00000001 T 80x50           8x8   0xb8000 32k 32k 
0x00000000 32k
  32 (0x020) 0x00000001 T 80x30           8x16  0xb8000 32k 32k 
0x00000000 32k
  34 (0x022) 0x00000001 T 80x60           8x8   0xb8000 32k 32k 
0x00000000 32k

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