Why do I need JDK on my router?

Lev Serebryakov lev at FreeBSD.org
Mon Jun 18 13:26:44 UTC 2018

On 15.06.2018 23:43, Michael Osipov wrote:

> took a quick look at snappy-java. Unfortnately, this is not pure Java,
> but a JNI wrapper around a C++ implementation. I assume that the port
> maintainer wanted to replace with a locally compiled version for FreeBSD
> only. The default JAR is 64 bit only for Intel.
  Yes, it is right. It explain, why `snappy-java' needs *JDK* for
*build*. It doesn't explain, why does it need *JDK* for *run*

> Moreover, looking at the debian package, this software is pure crap:
 All your points about unifi5 are valid, but it is only software to
manage one of the best APs on the market.

 Only Cisco hardware is better, but it almost ten times more expensive.

// Lev Serebryakov

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