Why do I need JDK on my router?

Michael Osipov 1983-01-06 at gmx.net
Fri Jun 15 20:43:37 UTC 2018

>  I need to have 'net-mgmt/unifi5' on my router. It is Java port, which
> works with native JRE, and doesn't need build at all. But this port
> depends on 'archivers/snappy-java', which needs build (and JDK and maven
> for this).
>   But at *runtime* neither of these ports need JDK! They works perfectly
> Ok with only JRE! And still, RUN_DEPENDS includes 'java/openjdk8', WHY?!
>   I've added 'JAVA_RUN=jre' to 'archivers/snappy-java/Makefile' but it
> doesn't help (WHY?).
>  Size difference between JDK and JRE is substantial for small
> embedded-like system with "only" 512MiB of flash for "firmware".


took a quick look at snappy-java. Unfortnately, this is not pure Java, 
but a JNI wrapper around a C++ implementation. I assume that the port 
maintainer wanted to replace with a locally compiled version for FreeBSD 
only. The default JAR is 64 bit only for Intel.

Moreover, looking at the debian package, this software is pure crap:
1. It contains 25 MB of the Lato font. What for?!
2. If you look closely at the lib directory, you'll notice that it 
contains horribly old dependencies of Spring Framework, SLF4J, Log4J, 
Apache Commons, ancient tag library TLD, etc.
3. They even obfuscated most of the code in ace.jar (which is likely OK)
4. They violate the GPL by not providing the source code on the page
5. They bundle libubnt_webrtc_jni.so which likely is used for the webcam 
remote image. But why? browsers support WebRTC natively.



PS: I am an Apache Maven PMC member and happy FreeBSD user

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