issues : FreeBSD kernel compile for ipfw support

Andrey V. Elsukov bu7cher at
Wed May 14 09:02:49 UTC 2008

Madan Thapa wrote:
> 1) I compiled bsd kernel for ipfw support using the doc at
>  and upon

I prefer an official documentation:

> reboot, the system did not allow connections from outside. 

Yes, the default configuration blocks any packets.

> I could login to
> the server remotely via IPMI but not via ssh, although, ipfw entries were
> not setup in /etc/rc.conf to start on boot.

You compiled ipfw(9) into kernel and it works by default.

> on subsequent reboots.  Like in linux we do it in grub.conf

You can install grub on the FreeBSD too.

> 2) Can you also let me know the steps to add ipfw support in kernel?

Read the Handbook's article.

WBR, Andrey V. Elsukov

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