issues : FreeBSD kernel compile for ipfw support

Madan Thapa at
Wed May 14 08:24:31 UTC 2008

Hi to all,

I am freebsd newbie at the moment and want your help  on the following
issues :

1) I compiled bsd kernel for ipfw support using the doc at  and upon
reboot, the system did not allow connections from outside. I could login to
the server remotely via IPMI but not via ssh, although, ipfw entries were
not setup in /etc/rc.conf to start on boot.

So I ended up booting into old kernel  ( generic ) , instead of IPFWKERNEL

Now I want to know how to change the boot loader to boot the Generic kernel
on subsequent reboots.  Like in linux we do it in grub.conf

2) Can you also let me know the steps to add ipfw support in kernel?

3) How do I check that ipfw support is already there?

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will do ?


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