Bank Of America Online Alert : Verify Your Information ID# d885f20cbd1f2d7442e324bc1bcdb689

Bank of America securityAlerts at
Mon Jul 6 21:31:17 UTC 2009


   Dear customer, 

   Protecting the security of our customers and the Bank of America !
   network , as a preventative measure, we have temporarily limited
   access to sensitive account features.

   To restore your account access, please take the following steps to
   ensure that your account has not been compromised:

   After updates :

   1.Login to your Bank of America Online Banking account. In case you
   are not enrolled for Online Banking, you will have to fill in all the
   required information, including your name and you account number.

   2. Review your recent account history for any unauthorized withdrawals
   or deposits, and check you account profile to make sure not changes
   have been made. If any unauthorized activity has taken place on your
   account, report this to Bank of America staff immediately.

   To get started, please click the link below:


   This alert has been sent to you based on your preferences. If you
   would like to make any changes to your Online Banking Alerts service,
   please sign in to Online Banking and visit the Manage Alerts section.

   Because your reply will not be transmitted via secure e-mail, the
   e-mail address that generated this alert will not accept replies. If
   you would like to contact Bank of America with questions or comments,
   please sign in to Online Banking and visit the customer service

   Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender
   © 2009 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved



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