Mirror Site Coordinator?

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Fri Jun 27 05:16:37 PDT 2003

I have suggested this in the past and it met with a variety of
opinions.  I'm going to try it one more time to see if the recent
developments in the DNS chat have shifted opinions around.

Having thought about it briefly all of the little "wrinkles" I
can dream up myself that would be caused by CC based hosts
existing in the FreeBSD.org namespace BUT do not run their own
delegated DNS infrastructure get handled very neatly and cleanly
if there is what I'll call a Mirror Site Coordinator.  It also
would solve other new issues (e.g. who amongst all the mirror
sites should be in the TLD).

I don't want to do an entire draft based on this idea before I
ask if anyone would strongly object to there being a Mirror Site
Coordinator.  Exactly what that is (it could range anywhere from
one person to all of hubs@) we can discuss later after we decide
on the job description.

If you are strongly against there being such a position speak now
please.  If there nobody says anything or if there seems to be a
mix of opinions from the discussion that results I'll go ahead with
a small proposal based on this and post it Monday.  It basically
addresses the issues that came up in the last two or three messages
sent to the list.

						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at cse.buffalo.edu
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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