Next step...

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Thu Jun 26 19:16:09 PDT 2003

I think the next step is to document who dnsadm@ should talk to and
how, if you still want a concrete documented thing.

I can write it up if it's still needed.  If I do it, I think:

	- From the discussion the site-contact and PGP key approach
	  is now managable (sorry everyone) for things in the TLD.

	- Same thing for communicating with the people managing the
	  delegated zones.

If I'm wrong about those let me know but it seemed that's what we
thought was best.

There is only one other thing dnsadm@ would need to handle that I
can think of and that's the request for a delegation.  Is there
anyone I could talk to about that to get a feel for what has happened
in the past?  Or does dnsadm@ already have their procedures for that
well established and we don't need to discuss that?

Did I miss any forms of communicating they need to do or questions they
would need to answer?

Since it's new - do we need to discuss how the www/cvsup/ftp sites
in the TLD are decided on?  Jun said the current set stays which
makes perfect sense but do we need to discuss what happens as time
goes on?

						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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