Mirror Site Requirements - Final Draft?

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Mon Jul 28 22:53:25 PDT 2003

On Sun, Jul 27, 2003 at 11:37:50PM +0200, Oliver Fromme wrote:

> First, it is a complete mirror, even with some additional
> "bonus features" (e.g. daily -stable and -current snapshots).
> We're carrying all platforms and all releases, even a few
> more (e.g. 3.5.1/i386 which isn't on the master anymore).
> Except for one detail:  I have opted to omit a few things
> from the "branches" directory.  In particular, I removed the
> extracted ports tree.  It is just a waste of space, inodes
> and time, in my opinion.

We hope to drop branches/ completely.  Still working out some
details but so far nobody has screamed (loudly anyway).

> Second, I am not syncing the whole /pub/FreeBSD from the
> master every day.  I think that would be a waste, too.
> I'm only syncing those parts regularly that change often,
> e.g. the distfiles, packages for -stable and -current, and
> similar things.

I *think* I found a way to describe that which is not too
confusing or ambiguous.  Let me know...

> I think the important thing is _what_ stuff is on a mirror,
> not how it got there.  And I think that ftp7.de is more up-
> to-date than certain mirror sites which strictly comply with
> your definition of a primary site.

Depending on what stuff is there, whether you are feeding other sites,
etc. how long it takes to get there *might* be an important thing.
But as you say exactly how it got there is not important.  :-)

Someone mentioned privately that it would be nice to have a "Mirror
Site Wannabe Kit".  I'll add that to the list of projects but if
someone(s) else want to take a whack at it feel free.  Jun posted
some cvsup related stuff a little while ago, I'd start off with
that and add in rsync and omi suggestions.  The article on how to mirror
stuff is a good start but could use some more details (that article
is where the "Mirror Site Requirements" we've been working on is
supposed to go).

It has also been pointed out FreeBSD is a real "heavyweight" compared
to pretty much everything else.  I do carry other things I can compare
it to and thoughts have started forming but a lot of factors need to
be considered before I start to mention them anywhere. :-/  Targetting
the removal of branches/ was brought up by several people before I became
active and Jun wanted it to happen too - there were just some small
entanglements like Web docs that someone needed to have the time to hunt
down and fix.  But that was the only truly easy target, the other possible
targets involve a lot more factors as far as I can tell.  The ports/ in

						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at cse.buffalo.edu
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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