Mirror Site Requirements - Final Draft?

Oliver Fromme olli at lurza.secnetix.de
Mon Jul 28 05:14:26 PDT 2003


First of all, you're doing a great job, Ken.  Thanks a bunch.
Here are a few comments of mine on the latest draft.

I am the maintainer of the FreeBSD mirror ftp7.de.freebsd.org,
which is on of the more popular mirrors in Germany, because
I always try to keep it as up-to-date as possible, especially
during release times.

Actually I would regard this mirror as a "primary" one, but
it somewhat differs from your definition of a primary mirror
site.  Let me explain.

First, it is a complete mirror, even with some additional
"bonus features" (e.g. daily -stable and -current snapshots).
We're carrying all platforms and all releases, even a few
more (e.g. 3.5.1/i386 which isn't on the master anymore).
Except for one detail:  I have opted to omit a few things
from the "branches" directory.  In particular, I removed the
extracted ports tree.  It is just a waste of space, inodes
and time, in my opinion.

Second, I am not syncing the whole /pub/FreeBSD from the
master every day.  I think that would be a waste, too.
I'm only syncing those parts regularly that change often,
e.g. the distfiles, packages for -stable and -current, and
similar things.

Those things that come once and never change (e.g. releases)
are mirrored manually, once they have been announced on the
hubs@ list.  Of course, I also watch out for "fixes" which
cause a release to be re-rolled, so I have to sync again.
That happened a few times in the past.  I usually re-sync
again a few days after the release, just to be sure, but
after that, I never sync that release again.

I usually start syncing a few minutes after the announcement
has been made on the list, so the mirror is as up-to-date as
it could possibly ever be.  :-)

Now tell me, Ken, would you disqualify ftp7.de.freebsd.org
as a "primary" mirror?  I'm curious ...  :-)

I think the important thing is _what_ stuff is on a mirror,
not how it got there.  And I think that ftp7.de is more up-
to-date than certain mirror sites which strictly comply with
your definition of a primary site.

Just my 0.02 Euro.  :-)


Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co KG, Oettingenstr. 2, 80538 München
Any opinions expressed in this message may be personal to the author
and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of secnetix in any way.

"If you do things right, people won't be sure you've done
anything at all." -- God in Futurama season 4 episode 8

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