Mostly complete set of 4.3 BSD printed (paper) manuals available

Andrew Heybey ath at
Fri Sep 28 02:21:11 UTC 2018

When I was in graduate school, my research group ran 4.2 and then 4.3 BSD on MicroVAXen.  By the time I left we had switched over to DECstations running Ultrix, and so I took a set of BSD manuals (printed by USENIX) with me because I thought they were cool to have.

I don’t want them any more, but I don’t want to recycle them while I am haunted by the thought that someone somewhere might want them.

I have URM, PRM, USD, PS2, SMM, and Master Index.  Cover page says “4.3 Berkeley Software Distribution, Virtual VAX-11 Version, April 1986”.  Copyright page says (in part) “Printed by the USENIX Association as a service to the UNIX community.”  The latest date on the copyright page is “4.3 Edition, Second Printing June 1987”.

Covers have Beastie on them.  Here are URM and PRM:

They are yours for the cost of shipping.


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