Code with apache-2 on /usr/src

Adhemerval Zanella adhemerval.zanella at
Tue May 29 20:39:48 UTC 2018

On 29/05/2018 14:32, Steve Kargl wrote:
> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 09:37:07AM -0300, Adhemerval Zanella wrote:
>> On 28/05/2018 19:18, Steve Kargl wrote:
>>> On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 06:12:13PM -0300, Adhemerval Zanella wrote:
>>>>>> And is having a different algorithm for single and double prevision 
>>>>>> a blocker for a future patch proposal?
>>>>> No.  Given the comment in sinf.c that max ULP is 0.56072, I do note that
>>>>> the current implementation of sinf in lib/msun is more accurate (for
>>>>> interesting values of x).  I also looked at single/s_sincosf.c.  It is
>>>>> rather dubious to have 80+ digit numerical constants for a float, which
>>>>> at most has 9 relevant digits.
>>>> Also keep in mind my initial idea is to propose patches only to expf, powf, 
>>>> logf, expf2, and log2f.
>>> OK, so I peeked at expf.  Comment claims max ulp of 0.502.
>>> Exhaustive testing for normal numbers in relevent range for
>>> the current implementation of expf(x) shows
>>> Interval tested: [-18,88.72]
>>> ULP: 0.90951,   x = -5.19804668e+00f, /* 0xc0a65666 */
>>> flt =  5.52735012e-03f, /* 0x3bb51ec6 */
>>> dbl =  5.5273505437686398e-03, /* 0x3f76a3d8, 0xdd1aae8e */
>>> But, then one looks at implementation details.  msun's current
>>> implementation is written in terms of single precision; while
>>> the routine you're suggesting is written in terms of double_t.
>>> So, achieving 0.502 ULP is due to having 53-bits in intermediate
>>> results.  It appears that the algorithm of the suggested code 
>>> cannot easily be generalized to double and long double without
>>> implementing a multiple-precision routines.
>> This is indeed true for the default implementation, although the same repo
>> has alternative implementation that uses only float for expf, powf, and 
>> logf.  However, as far as I could evaluated, the optimized expf and powf
>> single version does not yield any gain over current FreeBSD version, only
>> for the logf I see some gains.
>> Do you see any issue about current approach of using intermediary double_t
>> for internal calculations?
> No.  The kernels for sinf and cosf (ie., k_sinf.c and k_cosf.c)
> use double for its intermediate computations.  But, the main
> code in s_sin[fl].c and s_cos[f].c have the same internal structure:
> 1) Split argument into integer parts 
> 2) Filter special values (+-inf, NaN)
> 3) Split into intervals
>    a) for small x no range reduction is needed.
>    b) do range reduction into [0,pi/4]
> 4) In (3a) deal with subnormal numbers with care to avoid spurious
>    underflow.
> 5) In (3b), use polynomial approximations.
> Because the internal structure is similar for all precision, it
> makes maintenance easier.  For maintenance and the importance of
> having the same structure, see the history of s_erff.c:
>>> Note, years ago, I submitted implementations for expf, exp, 
>>> ld80/expl, ld128/expl, logf, log, ld80/logl, and ld128/logl
>>> based on papers by PTP Tang [1,2].  My versions for single
>>> and double precision were not adopted even though these had
>>> better accuracy.  Either Bruce Evans improved or with Bruce's
>>> help I improved the ld80 and ld128 routines, which were added
>>> to msun.  I know Bruce fixed minor issues with the single 
>>> and double precision routines, but he has not submitted patches.
>>> 1. PTP Tang, "Table-driven implementation of the exponential
>>>    function in IEEE floating-point arithmetic," ACM Trans. Math.
>>>    Soft., 15, 144-157 (1989).
>>> 2. PTP Tang,  "Table-driven implementation of the logarithm
>>>    function in IEEE floating-point arithmetic," ACM Trans. Math.
>>>    Soft., 16, 378-400 (1990).
>> Thanks for the links, do you recall why exactly your implementations were
>> not adopted? Do you think a similar proposal based on the arm repo would
>> be also rejected?
> Mostly due to issues on my part.  Bruce was/is the only person interested
> in reviewing patches to libm.  At the time I submitted that code, his
> comments and suggestions could be characterized as drinking from a fire
> hose.  When I had a commit bit, I finally gave up on the pursuit of 
> perfect code and simply committed s_expl.c.  Later, David Das committed
> s_logl.c.

Thanks for the feedback so far, it was valuable.  The only missing bit is
the original question, do you know if using apache-2 on /usr/src is allowed?

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